Forges of Life Pt.5

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The next day after breakfast Bella, Annabeth, and I went to the infirmary. 

" Hey, guys."

 We turned and saw Patrick out of his bed with two wraps one around his wrist and another one around his ankle.

" Patrick! You're alive!" Bella yelled.

" The last time I checked." Patrick said with a huge smile. We went around helping people heal up, making jokes and saving lives all at the same time. Patrick and I went over to Leo, to see what had happened. Luckily, Calypso was still sleeping, so I could avoid that confrontation for a little while longer.

" Hey, Leo."

" Hey, Percy. Who is that?"

" My friend Patrick."

" Cool."

" So where have you been?"

" Traveling with my Calypso. You know her."

" Yeah, but how are you alive from the explosion?" I asked incredulous.

" Festus, injected the magician's cure into me and we landed on Orgyia -Wait, Patrick have I met you?"

" Mhhh, I don't know."  Said Patrick, still coping with how Leo came back from the dead.

" Well, who's your godly parent ? "

Then Will Solace chimed in, " Oh he is just a---." The Hephaestus sign appeared above Patrick's head, basking him in reddish orange light.

" You're a child of Hephaestus." Leo said with excitement.

" Woah! Hephaestus, like the fire god, cool!"

" Well guess what?" Leo asked.

" What?" Patrick replied.

" So am I." They looked excited. Here we have two children of Hephaestus, that have really bad ADHD. I'll be counting down the weeks we have left to live.

A/n: I wanted to get this bit in before the week ends, so here it is!

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