Forges of Life Pt.4

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" You're a child of Athena!" 

" Really!" Patrick yelped.

" No. It's Bella!" I replied 

" Really, I'm a child of Athena!?"

" Yeah, goddess of wisdom and strategy, hooray."  I said sarcastically 

" Ready to see camp? " Annabeth retorted, giving me a death stare.

 We walked in camp, then I saw what happened, there was a big fire at the strawberry fields with celestial bronze metal sticking out of it every which way, but that wasn't the center of attention. Campers were being carried to the infirmary, and everyone was crowded around in a circle. I ran over with Annabeth and Grover and we saw the daughter of Ares, Clarisse. She was injured badly, with severe burns and bones sticking out in the wrong places. She was being carried to the infirmary by two campers that could barely lift her.  After we had helped Clarisse, we saw Thalia directing campers away from the destruction as the naiads put the fires out. 

" Alright, all campers go to your next class." Thalia commanded

 So we headed over to the archery targets, and since Bella and Patrick had no schedule, we brought them along too. While looking for others, it looked like we lost Patrick in the commotion along the way, but I wasn't worried, so we continued on.  

" Hello everyone, let's start."  I was, to say, not the best at archery and only hit about three targets, out of 12. 

" Come on Percy, pick it up ." I turned and saw Bella, nailing almost every target perfectly 

" Wow, good job, ummm ,what's your name?" Thalia asked.

" Oh, my name is Bella, I'm a daughter of Athena." 

" Great to know." Thalia said, smiling.

" Hey, Percy." 

I saw Patrick running up to me with his bow in his hands. He kind of tripped, which made me, Bella,  and Thalia, laugh

" Hey, Patrick. Do you want to shoot?"

" Sure, why not." As He notched an arrow, his clumsiness disappeared and was replaced by complete focus and control. He shot a perfect bullseye and he did it again and again until the arrows in which he had first shot were split through the middle with new ones. Amazing.

" Are you sure that you two aren't children of Apollo?" Thalia asked.

" I don't know. Why?" Patrick and Bella replied in unison

" Because you two can shoot."

" Well I guess since Patrick hasn't been claimed... we have a new child in Apollo." I said.

" Really, wow! But I thought I had to get excepted from my parent?"  said Patrick 

" Just for now at least."

An hour later the camp opened the infirmary to the public, so I decided to visit the injured campers.

"Hey, Percy." A familiar voice said behind me as hands covered my eyes.

" Hi, Annabeth."

" Let's go check out the infirmary, and bring Clarisse some strawberries."

I saw Clarisse sleeping peacefully for such a tough person, which was surprising to all of us.
We walked a around for a little while I until I saw a girl standing by one of the beds. Her head was in her hands and she was sobbing uncontrollably, she looked up once, not noticing us, and I was that years were streaming down her face and her eyes were slightly red and puffy. As she went down to grab a tissue, I realized who it was.

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