Forges Of Life Pt.7

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" Is it alive, it looks alive!" Bella screamed.

" No, Bella. I'm pretty sure you killed it." Annabeth said.

" Awesome, you did great for a first year!" I said. I went up for a high five, she missed by a few inches and she flipped to her butt.

" Oww!!" She said.

" Are you okay?" Nico asked.

" Yeah, I'm fine!" She said.

" Hey, Peter Johnson!" Oh gods, Mr. D was here. " Get everyone to weapon-making at the forges."

" You know, it's Percy Jackson!" I shouted back as I walked away.

" Whatever!" 

" Leo, why did you leave me?" I saw Calypso storming up to us.

" Annabeth hide me." I had almost forgot Calypso was here.

" Just, get behind me I will sneak you back to your cabin." She said worryingly.

"Who is that?" Said Patrick

Annabeth had a painful look like she just had been stabbed in the stomach.

" That is Calypso, daughter of the Titan Atlas." She grunted with her teeth.

" Wait, Annabeth Chase?" Calypso said.

" Yes, the daughter of Athena. Why?"

" Because, a guy named Percy, came to my island. He told me a lot about you."

" Hey, we have a guy named Percy!" Patrick shouted.

" Where is he?"

" Behind Annabeth." I could just hear Calypso's footsteps.

" Percy, I haven't seen you in so long."

" Yeah, so every camper go to the forges."

Calypso kept trying to talk to me but I just blurred her out.

" Okay campers, let's get dangerous." Leo yelled.

" Um, Leo you're not the head counselor of Hephaestus anymore." Annabeth said.

" Who is?"

" Patrick ."


"He happened to go on a quest at Camp Jupiter and challenged Kyle Gidget the old one."

" Okay, but can I still help?"

" Are you still a child of Hephaestus?"

" Yes."

" Then yes, you can help."

" Great!"

I walked around to see what the campers were making to get some inspiration. I saw Patrick and Leo talking. Patrick was making a really nice bow with swirl carves at the tip.

" Hey, guys!"

" Oh, hi Percy. Look what I'm making." Patrick said.

" That's a really nice bow."

" Thanks, it's for Bella, Time to shade it." Patrick's hand burned with fire as he moved it up and down the bow.

" Patrick, you're a fire user!?" Leo said with fire in his eyes.

" Yah, isn't every child of Hephaestus?"

" No, only rare ones, like me and you!"

" Really? So were special?"

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⏰ Last updated: May 11, 2018 ⏰

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