The beginning

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I walk down the white tiled floor of the school hallway to my locker. I try to remember my past, where I was born or who my parents are, but it was all gone. It was like someone had taken my memories. I only remembered a couple of things. My name, my age, the school I go to, my friends and my best friend.

As I arrive at my locker, I put in the code and open the door.
"Finally, schools over. As soon as I get my homework and books I can go home"
I mutter and start to pack up my things. I grab my books and homework and put them into my galaxy themed backpack and zip it up. I put my bag next to my locker and put on my black leather jacket, making sure that I don't get it caught on my dual lock leather cuff bracelet. I don't change my shoes because I wear the same black pair throughout the day. The bell finally rings. As students flood the hallways I quickly grab my backpack and close my locker, locking it as to not get stolen from.

I spot the red exit sign and start to head towards it. As I'm about to exit, I spot my best friend Lelianna at her locker. She doesn't seem to busy...
"Hey, Lilianna. " I said as I walk up to her and tapped her on the shoulder.
"Um... Hi?" She turned towards me looking confused.
"Who are you? And how do you know my name?". She seems as confused as I am. How does she not know who I am?
"Lilianna, you're my best friend," I said taking a step towards her.
"I'm sorry but, I don't know who you are..." she said turning back to her locker, preparing her stuff to leave.
"I'm your best friend! Don't you recognize me?!" I say grabbing her shoulder and turning her around so that she faces me.
"I'm sorry! I. DONT. KNOW. YOU." She grabs me and slams me against the locker next to hers while glaring at me. She lets go of me with a scowl on her face and grabs her blue backpack and coat. She closes her locker and locks it she glared at me one more time before exiting the building. What was that about? I make my way out the front doors of the school confused, she doesn't seem to remember me or our friendship, strange.

I start to walk down the street when I realize that I don't really know where to go... "Dang it!" I say to myself. I continue walking, hoping that when I'll see something familiar and remember my past. As I head around a corner I failed to notice a green shadow follow me and morphs into a woman with blond hair and a green headband with pointed ends and a man in green and black followed. The women with blonde hair and a green outfit looks at the man with a cape and asked him something I didn't understand, he nods and she grabs my arm, she then holds the guy's hands and teleports us to the top of a building.


Sorry for the short chapter. Thanks for reading, This is my first story so I hope you liked it.

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