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I wake up to this gentle robotic voice.
"Mam please wake up Mr.Stark wishes to see you at around 9:45 in his lab"
-What? Who are you?
"I am Jarvis Mr.Stark's virtual assistant."
-Okay then? What time is it Jarvis?
" It is 8:37 am. I must go now I am required elsewhere."

I unplug my phone and I look up the Avengers. There is so much there and I would not be able to look at it all in 1 hour and 8 minutes. I notice that all it says is Avengers movie and Avengers comic. Are the Avengers real? Without noticing the time Jarvis comes back
"Mam it's 9:50 am M.Stark is waiting for you"
-Sorry, tell him I'll be there soon.
"Yes mam"
-Call me Vixon.
"Yes, Vixon."

I grab a bag that Loki left me and my phone and leave the room in a hurry. On my way to the lab, I notice the paperwork that Cap was working on. I put it in my bag and walk into the lab. Tony isn't working he's just sitting there.
- Give me the phone Vixon. Tony demanded.

I look at him confused how did he know. Does he know about everything else that Loki gave me? Tony gets up and walks towards me. He grabs my arm and put a bracelet around my wrist. I struggle to take it off.
-What is this Tony? I ask him about the bracelet.
-The phone! Tony said determined to get my phone.
I gave him my phone and Cap came running in.
-Has anyone seen the papers I had yesterday! Cap said sounding rushed. Then he looks at my arm, he sees the bracelet and glares at Tony.

Tony looks at me and sends me back to my room. I leave the lab and head to my room. I lock the door behind me and take Cap's papers out of my bag. Everything on the papers is about me, Cap was studying me. I realize that the little questionnaire was from Cap and that he's been lying. He knew so much about me and he never told me anything. I didn't want to read anything on the pages. I go hide the paper in Tony's room before I get caught. I go back to my room and check out the black and red outfit. I got a splitting headache and sat down on my bed, the bracelet Tony put on my wrist started to beeb. The robotic voice came back.

"Vixon are you alright?" Jarvis said concerned.
-Yes, Jarvis, I'm fine. I say slightly agitated.
"That bracelet alerts Mr. Stark when your vitals are unstable he would like to report to the infirmary straightaway."
-NO! I don't have to do what he says, he's been lying to me and I know it! I scream at Jarvis in anger.
"Vixon I advise you to calm down, as I said before you vitals are unstable."
-Go away, Jarvis! I yelled at him.
"Yes Vixon but I must advise Mr.Stark that you would like to stay in your room," he said as he left.

I heard a light knocking on the door. I go to open it but then stop in my tracks, I hide my stuff in my closet. The knocking gets louder and I hurry to open the door. Falcons at the door he grabs my hand and starts to walk making me follow him. He starts to bring me into the infirmary. I escape his grip and run to the nearest exit. I hear him tell Tony that I'm trying to escape on his communicator. As I open the door I see the outside. I realize that we're on the 10th floor and that it's a door to nowhere. Falcon starts to run towards me and I jump. I'm falling now, I see falcon jump after me. I'm about to hit the pavement went I suddenly stop, I'm flying. I look at my arms to see if my veins are green and red but they're covered by black gloves. My clothes changed. Falcon land on the ground beside me. He looks at me from head to toe. As I turn to run away, Falcon grabs my arms and put handcuffs on them. I try to use my powers but it's useless I'm too inexperienced. The bracelet Tony put on me injects something into my bloodstream. I start to get dizzy and fall to the ground. The last thing I see is my clothes changing back to normal as Falcon picks me up.

I wake up on a white hospital bed in the infirmary of the Avengers tower with restraints on. I struggle to get loose as Thor and Loki walk in. They have the suitcase that was in my room. Thor locks and brakes the electronic door behind him then hands Loki Cap's papers that I had put in Tony's room. Loki puts the papers in my suitcase as Thor takes off my restraints and Tony's bracelet. My vision started to get fuzzy.
"Thor open this door immediately or I'll break it down" We heard Tony yelling from the other side of the door.
Thor signals me to get up so we could leave. When I stood up I immediately fell to the ground due to the medication in my bloodstream. Thor picks me up as Loki brakes the window. Thor grabs Miljonir and starts flying away from the tower. I look back and see what looks like Loki fighting off Tony.

- Loki. I whisper still looking behind Thor.

"Close your eyes Lady Vixon, you need to rest everything will make sense soon I can promise you that," Thor tells me as I drift sound asleep.

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