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I'm flown to a tall building in a jet. In the jet, Tony asks Thor what he meant by remembering my name. Thor Said that once in Asgard while his father was in the "Odin sleep" that my name was being said every day till he woke. They said that she was not from one of the nine realms but three of them. That was impossible. Then a draw my attention to Black Widow and Cap. Widow is telling Cap how it would be better having another girl on the team. Did that mean that I was part of their "team"?

Once at the building, Tony brings me to a nice bedroom.
"This is where you'll be staying."
"Yes, we have to figure out why Loki took you, any ideas?"
"Well, what?"
"I can't remember anything but me and my best friend, but she doesn't remember me."
Tony said something under his breath, I decided to leave it be and Tony showed me the rest of the building.

At the end of the tour, it was about 8 pm. I went to my room and saw a little piece of paper with questions on it. I started to answer them because I knew they were from Tony.
Question 1: What is your full name. Vixon Nyx WhiteShadow.
Question 2: What is your age: 14.
Question 3: What realm are you from: I don't know?
I finished the rest of the questions then waited till 11 pm so that I could sneak around and maybe figure out what's going on. I walk past everybody's room and everybody's sleeping but Cap and Tony. Cap's in his room working on some sort of papers and Tony's in his lab.
CRASH! I walk right into some boxes and old computer parts.
"What the! Vixon!"
Tony walks out of his lab and looks to the left, I'm staring right at him but he doesn't seem to notice me. Tony walks back into his lab confused. I see Cap coming towards me, he has the papers that he was working on in his hand. He walks into me on his way into Tony's lab.
Cap drops the papers.
"What the!?"
As Tony walks out of the lab to finds us both on the floor, Cap picks up the papers frantically.
"There you are I've been looking all over for you Vixon."
"I've been here the whole time. Cap just ran into me."
Cap puts the papers on a desk near us and grabs my arm to examine it.

"Tony look."
I look at my arm and my veins are green and red. Tony looks at my arm and walks into his lab.
"You're not going home."
I shoot up.
"You heard me!"
"Tony don't you think that's a bit rational. She can still go home." Cap said trying to defend me.
"When she can tell me where her home is she can go home."
"What aren't you guys telling me?"
Cap shakes his head in denial.
"It's nothing you would understand."
A green and red plasma ball shoots out of my hand and hits Tony's computer. He quickly backs away from the computer as it goes up in flames. As soon as he's about to speak, the power goes out. The room is lit by the fire on the computer. But Tony and Cap are gone. I thought that Loki must have taken them and that he must've escaped from the prison. I hear footsteps behind me. I turn around and see Hawkeye with his bow up ready to shoot.
"Vixon what happened!" Hawkeye said as he puts his bow down. I start to hear voices in my head.
"You're lost, you're nothing, a crazy monster!"
" Um... Vixon why are you're eyes glowing green and red, I thought they were blue?"
I saw Hawkeye's lips moving but I didn't hear him. Hawkeye grabs his communicator and says something. He approaches me as the other Avengers walk in except Cap and Tony. Falcon starts talking to me but all I could hear were the voices in my head. I start to get dizzy and I collapse to the ground as the room gets darker and darker.

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