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I was in a room that I recognized. It was my childhood bedroom. I heard my mom call me downstairs and a little me passed through my body. Little me rushed down the stairs excitedly. "Funny, I don't remember this day," I told myself as I followed young me. She made her way into the kitchen, where my more was standing with her hands behind her back.

"Yes, momma?" Little me asked, tilting her head. My mom smiled and showed me what was behind her back. It was a small husky. Little me squeaked in happy and held her hands out. Once the puppy was in her arms, she hugged it so tight I thought it would explode.

She set the puppy down and it ran around her feet. "This is Max, he's your new puppy!" My mom told little me while bringing little me back upstairs. She seemed rushed for some reason. Little me didn't think twice but I did. I went around the house trying to find what my mom was hiding, but I found nothing. Just as I was about to back upstairs to join little me, a car pulled into the driveway. A man that seemed familiar stepped out and walked up to the door. He began to pound on it, startling my mom. My mom ran towards the door and opened it. "What are you doing here!" She hissed at him.

The man chuckled. "Am I not allowed to see my own daughter?" My mom rolled her eyes and began to slam the door in his face, but he retaliated by pushing the door with such force that it hit my mom in the face. "Where is she!?" He yelled and I heard footsteps coming down the stairs. It was little me.

"No, no, no, no, little me go back upstairs!" I yelled know that I couldn't be heard. Of course, little me continued her way downstairs. She saw mom on the floor with a bloody nose.

"Mommy?" She asked, but my mom didn't do anything. She seemed so scared. "What did you do to mommy!?" Little me asked with anger in her voice. My dad only chuckled and walked up to little me, scaring her. Her eyes turned red as she ran towards mom. Little me stood in front of my mother protectively.

My dad walked towards them slowly and my mom started crying. He raised his hand ready to hit little me. As he swung a force field of red energy escape little me's body, hit my dad and my mom. The energy disappeared and little me turned to my mom. A tear escaped my eye as I realized that I had just killed both of my parents. "Mom..." I whispered as more tears rained down my cheeks. "Mom!" I raced over to her and tried to hold her in my arms but I just fazed through her. "I'm so sorry..."

So I've improved my writing since the last time I wrote this hope it doesn't bug you :)

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 27, 2019 ⏰

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