Meeting them

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The girl pushes me to the ground. They start to discuss something about what to do with me. I crawl away from them and stand up, looking for a possible escape route but all I found was a ledge, a ledge that would lead to my death if I were to fall off. The man with the green and gold outfit magically makes a golden staff with a shining blue stone at the end appears in his hands and points it at me. The stone starts to glow a crystal blue, alarming me that something was about to happen. Something BAD. The woman in green turns her head to the left, her face contorted into one of anger.

"They're here!" She yelled at the man. He turns his head to the left when they both get hit by a giant beam of blue light. I look towards the source of the beam, it was a man on red and yellow armor, he was flying. "What's going on?!" I said as the man with red and yellow armor lands on the edge of the roof along with a guy with grey armor, a red cape, and a giant hammer.

He approaches the guy that I think tried to kill me. The guy in green shoots a beam at the man with a red cape. My eyes widen and I take a step closer to them concerned for the man well being. When the smoke disappears it reveals that the beam didn't even leave a mark, they really look alike, almost like brothers but not quite. A guy in red armor with red glass-like wings lands In front of me. He folds his wings and bends down on one knee and said, " Name's Falcon, I work with those two," he points to the guy with a red cape and hammer and the guy with red and yellow armor, " We're the Avengers. Are you alright?" The man covered in red and yellow armor makes his way towards us. I ignore them both and look at the guy with the green cape. The man is armor puts a hand on Falcon's shoulder, "She's in shock Falcon. Give her a minute." He said as he turns around and looks at the guy in green, "Stay with her and try to get her name, Loki took her for a reason."
"Yes, Tony."
Tony walks towards the man I think is named Loki and blasts him again.
That over there is Loki and the Enchantress they are villains. Falcon told me.
Falcon stayed by my side occasionally firing what looked like glass flechettes at Loki.
"What's your name," Falcon asked me.
I started to get dizzy, I was remembering someone, someone who doesn't live in this universe.
"V-Vixon," I responded as a few other peoples rushed onto the scene.
I started to listen to the voices in Falcon's communicator.
"Her name is Vixon Cap," Falcon announced.
"I-I remember that name," Thor responded, stopping what he was doing to look at me.
"We'll talk about this on the jet, focus on Loki." Commanded Tony.
They got back to fighting. Their tactics were so predictable I said them in my head before it happened. It was like I knew these people before.
I quickly gaze up at Falcon.
"You said something."
"Um yeah, you're attacks there predictable."
"Here maybe you could help." Falcon hands me a communicator.
"Um, I need names."
"The man in the armor is Tony Stark, the one with the hammer is Thor, dressed the American flag is Captain America, the big green one is Hulk, when he's not angry he's Bruce Banner, the cat is Black Panther, Hawkeye is the one with the bow and the only woman is Black Widow."
"Thanks, Falcon."
"I see you got her talking Falcon," Tony said.
Falcon laughed.
I stared at Loki and the Enchantress for about 10 seconds.
"Widow, Hawkeye, Black Panther focus on the Enchantress. The rest of you get the staff from Loki he'll surrender if he doesn't have it."
"How did you know that?"
I stayed silent.
I continue to talk into the communicator.
"You're attacks are too predictable. Widow, Panther partner up! Hawkeye just be yourself!"
"Tony are we really taking orders from her."
"Yes! Hawkeye, she seems to know how to defeat them."
"Tony use you're repulsers on Cap's shield try not to hit anybody but Loki."
"What will that do, won't it just hit me?" Cap questioned.
"I don't know I just remember it from somewhere."
Tony hits Cap's shield with his repulsers and it ricochets and hits Loki and the Enchantress. Loki's staff lands in front of Falcon and I. I go to pick it up but Falcon takes it before I do. I give him a confused look but he just looks away and hands the staff to Cap. Loki and the Enchantress both become exhausted and surrender. Special handcuffs are put on them and they are put in a supervillain prison at a place called S.H.I.E.L.D.

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