Don't Forget.

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"Come on Andy!" Laughs Ever, tugging my arm as she takes us to an area shrouded with trees. I'm careful enough not to trip over my feet.

"What?" I ask, my lips carving into a smile. 

"Don't act oblivious silly!" She giggles, her chestnut hair pulled back in a messy bun as she leans into me, crashing our lips into each other. My arms snake around her tiny torso, squeezing her closer into me as our kiss grows more passionate. She pulls away, looking up me with her gorgeous brown eyes with a childish grin, "I've always wanted to do that." Ever states.

I kiss her forehead, "Really? I would never have known." I reply, sarcastically. Ever shakes her head, snuggling her face into my chest.

"I love you Andy," She mumbles into my shirt. 

"I love you too Ever," I reply, kissing the top of her head, squeezing her tightly. 

"Don't forget me Andy," Ever begs, her brown orbs glaring at me with a glossy covering. Her voice cracked and worn.

"Never, I'll never forget you Ever." I promise her, pressing my lips together with a quiet sigh. A smile crawls onto her pale face, her cheeks rosy with colour.  Ever nods her head slowly, "Let's go play." She points over to the playgym, I nod and take her hand. We run over to the empty playgym and climb over the bars and climb up the slides. 

We end up playing on the playgym until the sun starts to settle down, then we move over to the swing set. Ever sits on my lap as I start to move the swing forward. The stars cluster the night sky, twinkling brightly. Ever leans her head on my shoulder, "I don't want to forget this, ever." 

"Nor do I Ever,"  

"I should take you home," I mutter as our fingers intwine. Ever nods with a yawn, I smile wrapping my arms around her tiny waist and picking her up. "Andy!" She squeals, I shut her up with a kiss as I carry her to my car, her arms around my neck.

By the time I slip Ever into the passenger seat, she's already knocked out and lightly snoring. It's cute. I slip the seat belt over her, cautious not to disturb her from her slumber even so, I take the extra precaution and slowly close the passenger door before I jog over to the driver side. I lean over and place a kiss on her exposed cheek before I turn the key into the ignition. 

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