Bill Cipher

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request by @kingdicexjackson I hope that's what you wanted!

also, already mentioned it to the requester(is that a word idk) but I made bill a human (still a demon but in human form) bc idk how to date a flying dorito ok thanks

[picture by SandraGH on DeviantART]

Blood. Pain. A faint scream. Someone calling your name, but you heard like your head was under water. And the then it all turned to white. That was the last thing you remember before blacking out. Actually, that was the last thing you remembered at all, you did not remember anything you did before that and why you where lying passed out with bloody clothes in the middle of a highway. Well, to be honest you guess it wasn't all too bad but there was something. Something you could not quite put your finger on. Something that bothered you a lot, and it was there right at the tip of your tongue, yet you couldn't remember it.

"Are you sure you wanna leave?" Said Janet, the nurse at the hospital where you stayed ever since the accident.

"Yeah, too bored here, plus I'm feeling perfectly fine." You smiled at her, the something still present behind your normal kind self. You became pretty close with Janet, as she took care of you her self ever since you came here and seeing her worried face you continued, "I'll just crash at a hotel and try calling up some contacts from my phone. Good thing I didn't have a password." She laughed a little and handed you the papers to sign out.

"I swear, you're too stubborn for your own good."

After signing up you left and instead of going to a hotel like you said you would, you walked to where you were found. You felt like you could find something there.

Making your way through the forest, you tried to remember what actually happened to you. The highway you where found on didn't have anything around except for trees and even more trees, so this was the only way for you to find anything out.

As you walked through the forest you somehow ended up in a little park where you decided to take a rest. Sitting down on a bench, you saw a couple of kids playing and laughing around with their friends , which made you smile. Then from the corner of your eye you saw something sitting on the bench next to you. You turned your head and saw a yellow, plushy bunny starring right at you and for some, unknown to you, reason it woke a huge deal of curiosity inside you. You raised it up and examined it in your hands.

Suddenly it hit you. The icky feeling that has been evident in your body disappear and was replaced by all sort of feelings that a person could probably feel at the same time and all the thoughts running through your head were replaced with one word. Suddenly there was no something there was someone, but not only anyone, there was bill. Bill. Bill. Bill. Tears streamed down your face like a waterfall and you hugged the plushy with your eyes shut tightly. You opened them again only to see a, way too, familiar blond coming through the entrance through the park.


bills pov (its not actually a pov change it's still in second person but I'm looking at him instead of you and I didn't know what to call it)

"Remind us, why are we helping you look for some plushy?" Dipper asked slightly annoyed at stupid shit the dream demon is making them do. Putting up his persona he displayed for everyone except for you, Bill answered.

"Well because you guys are my closest friends and great people," after that his eyes turned red and his hand produced blue flame, "and because I could kill you any second I want and made humans value your life." He said in a scary voice.

"Y-yeah, yeah whatever let's just look for the plushy."

The group including Dipper, Mabel, Wendy, Soos and, of course, Bill went inside the Gravity Falls park to look for Bills most precious possession. Immediately, as soon as he stepped over the entrance, his eyes went to an oddly familiar person sitting in a far-away bench. 'This is impossible, he's dead, he's he's-' bills eyes filled with tears meanwhile Soos picked up a random teddy bear and held it up to him.

"Dude, is this what you're looking for? Dude. Dude?"

"Hey, Bill, are you okay? Dipper asked, a little concerned. But the demon didn't hear anything. His eyes and his mind were fully focused on the figure hugging a plushie. Once his mind left the stage of denial, tears flowed out his eyes and his legs, without even a hint of hesitation, worked their way over to you. And you saw that. So you stood up and smiled opening your arms for him.

Dipper, Mable, Wendy, and Soos stood there in confusion wondering what just happened.

"Is he even, like, capable of crying?" Wendy questioned.


But Bill didn't care his facade was destroyed. Because his mind, smilies to yours, was only saying one thing.



BTW guys thank you for being supportive about my last update I love you y'all are the cutest

—-BTW guys thank you for being supportive about my last update I love you y'all are the cutest

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