Choi Saeyoung (707)

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Spoiler Alert!! This takes place after Secret Ending Two! It's nothing major story wise but still

Saeyoungs anxiety grew by every minute, clenching his heart painfully. And the reason behind this was no one other than the reason of all the joy in his life, Y/N.

Y/N was always an open and kind person, practically unable to lie, that's why Saeyoung immediately noticed when his fiancée started acting suspicious. He'd spend more time outside of the house, talk on the phone often but quiet down once either him or Saeran entered the room, same with constantly scribbling in his notebook, yet always away from the twins.

Saeyoung was worried to say the least. He was losing his mind over what Y/N is hiding, always assuming the worst case scenario. Y/N is leaving him. He couldn't figure out the reason why quite yet, even though his anxiety gave him plenty possible reason, each scaring his equally.

Y/N finally found someone better. Y/N realized how fucked up he actually is. Y/N was just dating him out of pity and is now fed up with him. These were the thoughts going trough Saeyoungs head as he sat restlessly on the couch, making even his twin worry.

"Hyung, are you okay?" Saeran asked sitting down next to his brother. He didn't answer, Saeran presumes he didn't even hear him, so he waved a hand in front of his face to get his attention.

"Huh? What is it Saeran?"

"I asked if you're okay, hyung." Saeran said slightly concerned.

"Yeah, I'm-" a pause. "Did you notice Y/N acting- uh- strange lately..?" Saeran took a moment. Not because he was trying to recall weird behavior but because he in fact did. You have always been close to Saeran, sometimes you'd be the only person he could truly confide in. So, when you stated to acting secretive he noticed and didn't like it one bit.

"Hyung, I-"

"Searan-a," Saeyoung cut his brother of, voice shaky and tears threatening to spill any second now. "Do you think he's going to leave me? I don't want him to leave me.." He said, or more like sobbed out, his fists clenching by his sides, eyes glued to the floor. Just as Saeran got over the shock and was about to comfort his brother, he heard the front door open and you come in. You immediately noticed something wrong and rushed over to the twins, but seeing any mortal danger you sat down next to Saeyoung on the sofa and put a comforting arm around his shoulder.

"What's going on? Saeyoung-a, why are you crying?" You asked in a concerned voice, shooting a questioning look at Saeran. Suddenly you got enveloped in a tight hug and your fiancée mumbling into your neck.

"Please don't leave me! I'll do anything, just don't leave me! Don't leave us!"

"Saeyoung-a, what are you talking about? I'm not leaving anyone." He pulled away from the breath stopping embrace he was holding you in.

"Y-you're not? B-but I thought you- you'll-" he sobbed out and you petted his head and shushed him. You then, once again, looked over at Saeran to figure out what's going on. He got the hint rather quickly and told you all about Saeyoungs suspicions. Feeling a pang if guilt hit your chest, you decided there was no more hiding.

"I'm so sorry! I didn't mean it like that! Actually I- uh I guess need to tell you now- Next week if your birthday and I was planning you two a surprise party... it's the first time in ages you two will be celebrating together and it's gonna be the first time we will be celebrating as a family, so I wanted this year to be really special. I'm sorry I should have-" Saeyoung didn't let you finish, he only threw himself at you in yet another bone crushing hug.

"Y/N! I'm the one who's sorry! For thinking of you like that! I'm really sorry! And I love you! I love you so much!" He almost screamed as you giggled lightly.

"Thank you, Y/N... so much." Saeran added in a rather quiet voice and you ruffled his hair a little, smiling at your two favorite red heads.

Change of Plans:

Surprise Birthday Party is now just a Birthday Party with two very happy birthday boys.

a little treat for you guys after my ten million year absences~ <3

don't beat me up yet please~

also holy fucking shit guys the secret ending 1&2 had me fUCKED up oh my lord!! spoilers but omg i didn't like Rika from the start but now holy fuck we get to know what abusive, manipulative and mentally unstable bitch she actually was. Honestly, V deserved sooo much better tf and don't even get me started on my bby Saeran

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