Chapter 30

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"You're pregnant?" Ponyboy asked with awe and sadness melted into his green eyes.

Dallas was still unconscious. We had walked down to the cafeteria. Darry was determine to get me to eat.

"Yeah." I smiled for the first time in what seemed like forever.

"You need to eat something Lydia. If not for you, then for the baby." Darry said glancing from me to the small club sandwich sitting in front of me. I took a bite and it actually didn't taste horrible. It was decent. I drank as much milk as I could before getting sick again. Not morning sickness. Sick at the thought of Dally.

"I'm gonna go back to Dallas." I said getting up but Darry stopped me.

"Lydia. Eat." This time his eyes never left mine.

I sat back down. I was smart, I knew how much my body needed food, but I was also human. Which meant when I didn't want to do something, it was difficult to convince myself to. But I did. For the baby.

I finished my sandwich slowly and all of my milk. I walked back to Dallas's room and sat beside him.

"How do you look so good when you aren't even awake?" I asked rhetorically trying to smile.

I rubbed my hands over my stomach thinking about our baby.

"I think it's a girl. I don't know why, I just have a feeling." I grinned at my stomach even though it was flat, I still thought about the baby that was slowly forming.

Days went by, Dallas was still asleep. The doctors said we could choose to turn off the machines at any time. I refused. He was still alive.

"Good morning husband." I said approaching the same seat I've sat in for a week now. "The morning sickness is totally starting to kick in." I informed him while tucking his dark hair behind his ears. "Soda and Steve and Darry went back to work today. Johnny and Ponyboy went to get a bite to eat with Two-bit, so it's just us today."

I took a bite of the cereal I had brought in. I had been craving cereal for some reason, I'm guessing that was just a part of the pregnancy. I sang to Dallas a couple times a day. Usually the Beatles, they were his favorite.

"Yesterday love was such an easy game to play.

Now I need a place to hide away.

Oh," and for the first time in days I started crying. Because the song understood me. I longed for yesterday. A yesterday with Dallas.

"I believe in yesterday." I sang through the tears tucking his hair behind his ears. I laid my head on his chest and continued to cry. Not cry. Sob.

"You know why they're my favorite?"

I snapped my head up so fast I got light headed. His eyes were closed but I know I heard his voice. He slowly smirked that beautiful smirk I was addicted to.

"What?" I croaked in a voice barely audible because of the mixture of shock and tears.

"I told you the Beatles were my favorite. I like the Stones. But I know you love the Beatles so I told you they were my favorite too."

"Oh my God Dally." I hugged him as tight as I could and he slowly wrapped his arms around me and repeatedly told me he loved me.

"So you think it's a girl huh?" He asked causing me to pull away. "Yeah, I heard everything. I could hear everything going on, I just couldn't wake up, you know?" He said trying to sit up slightly but grimacing and laying back where he was.

"Are you happy?" I asked referring to the baby.

He put his hand on my stomach and never took his dark eyes off mine.

"Of course I am. I just hope she's like her mother."

I started crying again and this time he laid me down in the small hospital bed with him. We laid there holding each other for hours. I rested my head on his chest and listened to his steady heart beat. Oh how ecstatic was I to hear that heart beat.

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