Chapter 6

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                                                                   Chapter (6)

              Leonardo was also interested in her and wanted to meet her every day that's why he went to the forest daily so that he can meet her. How lucky he was Alexandra arrived quickly as he was in the forest when she saw him she smiled and approached him and said '' Hey Leo '' Leonardo '' Hey Alex How are you doing ?'' Alex '' I am fine and you ?'' Leo '' I am so happy but it seems that you're annoyed.'' Alex '' Never mind I am not annoyed may be I am bored.'' Leo '' Bored ?! So what about coming with me to meet my friends.'' Alex '' I don't mind but Would it be a problem for you ?'' Leo '' No not at all They are friendly and they will love you don't worry.'' Alex '' Ok Let's go.'' Leo '' Allow me then to lift you there on my horse.'' Alex '' Sure '' She rode on his horse behind him and held onto him well so that she wouldn't fall. On their way Leo said '' So Alex How old are you ?'' Alex '' Hahahaha Don't find it that's it's out of rudeness to ask a lady such question. '' Leo '' Then you're old if you're escaping from answering.'' Alex '' No I am not I am only 18.'' Leo '' I am 20 older than you then you must obey my orders.'' Alex '' Your orders What if I didn't.'' Leo '' I will punish you.'' Alex '' Oh no Forgive me sir.'' Leo '' Hahaha I will forgive that time.'' They arrived to Leo's house but actually it wasn't his house it was for the revoltuionary group. When they arrived Michael looked at Leo and blinked then to Alex and said '' Welcome to our home.'' Alex '' Thank you. Are you both partners in that house ?'' Michael '' No not only us There are more than10 living with us as you see it's a large house.'' Leo '' Oh pardon let me introduce you to my friends Michael , Frederic ,Anna and Sandra.'' Alex '' Nice to meet you all.'' All of them said '' Nice to meet you too.'' Anna looked at Alex with interest and said '' So ALex where are you exactly from ?''  Alex '' I am from here Paris.'' Anna '' Then you are living in the noble streets as we have never seen you here.'' Alex '' Yes '' Sandra then said '' Why don't you join us tonight we are having a party.'' Alex '' I would love to but what is the occasion.'' Sandra '' Oh my God Alex are you serious ? Today is the anniversary of the first demonstration that was done 60 years before.'' Alex '' Yes I've heard about it but I can't remember its exact date.'' Sandra '' Don't worry many don't know much about their history.'' Alex '' Yes but I really want to learn more.'' Anna '' Then you can join us we've launched a campaign that aims to make people more aware to their history.'' Alex '' Yes please What is your schedule ?'' Anna '' Well , we teach three days a week Sunday, Tuesday and Thursday at 8 o'clock in the morning till 10 o'clock.'' Alex '' Then I will start from after tomorrow.'' After a long conversation between Alex and the group she returned back home to get dressed and attend the party. She passed by Q.E and said '' Mom May I go out tonight ?'' Q.E '' Why ?'' Alex '' My friends are having party so I'd like to take part in it.'' Q.E '' Ok Don't be late.'' When Alex was going out of the palace she met Harry. Harry '' Wow ! You look so elegant tonight. What's the matter ?'' Alex '' Hahahaha I am invited to party with my new friends.'' Harry '' New friends ? Who are those ?'' Alex '' I trust in you but this is a secret I'll tell you about them later.'' Harry '' Ok don't you want a lift there ?'' Alex '' No I can't go there by the royal cab. I will go by an ordinary one.'' Harry '' What ? Why ? Alex '' I promise I will tell you later .'' Harry '' Ok Have fun.'' Alex immediately went out walked for a while till she reached the city and rode a caoch towards the ball. While the group was celebrating, Leo was waiting for Alex and when she came he looked at her and smiled '' You are amazingly beautifully pretty.'' Alex's cheeks went red and said '' You look handsome '' Alex was wearing a red dress and Leo was wearing a black suit. Alex '' Sorry for being late.'' Leo '' Never mind the party has just begun.'' Alex then entered with Leo and then they had their drinks and Leo looked at her again and said '' Will you dance with me ?'' Alex '' Sure'' The music was lovely but it was a popular dance which only the ordinary people knew not the nobles so that Alex said '' To be honest I don't know this dance.'' Leo '' It's so easy you just feel the music and move your legs with them.'' Alex tried to do so but at first she didn't succeed so she looked at the rest and tried to immitate them also Leo helped her until she could do it. Leo '' Now you dance well.'' Alex '' Thanks to you. I love the music too.'' Leo '' Haven't you heard it before ?'' Alex '' No it's the first time.'' Leo looked amazed and said '' There is no French who doesn't know it. Anyway, I am so glad that you came.'' Alex '' Me too.'' Then Michael and Anna approached them and said Hi Michael loved Anna and Frederic loved Sandra so the only single in them was Leo. They were so happy for him when he was dancing with Alex . Leo and Alex kept laughing and talking and dancing as well until Alex looked at the clock and saw that it was 10. She told Leo '' I have to go now it's late.'' Leo '' But you didn't stay for a long time.'' Alex '' May be next time.'' Leo '' Ok Let me get you a coach.'' They went together outside and walked until they reached the near station to get a coach. Leo '' You know this is the best night that I had.'' Alex '' Me too I have enjoyed it so much your friends are so friendly too.'' Leo '' I hope that you will be friends forever.'' Alex looked at him and her eyes were so bright and said '' Do you know that you're the first guy to dance with ?'' Leo '' It's an honour for me. Don't forget to come after tomorrow for the history lesson.'' Alex '' I will never forget.'' Then she rode a coach and before she closes the door she told him '' See you later Leo.'' Leo said '' See you later Alex.'' Then the coach went to the place where Alex went to take a coach to the ball, Alex was thinking of Leo that time and so did Leo. When Leo returned back to the party Michael asked him '' Ha tell me did she say she like you or anything ?''  Leo '' No she didn't but I think that I like her very much and that she wants to talk with me.'' Michael '' Good Anyway you will meet her in the lesson after tomorrow.'' Leo '' After tomorrow is a very long time I want to see her now.'' Michael '' Oh my friend finaaly you know the meaning of love.'' When Alex returned back to the palace she went to her suit stood in her balcony for a while and was talking to herself '' Oh Leo what's your problem ? I love the day that we meet and talk.'' Then she went to bed and slept.

Stay with meOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora