Chapter 10

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                                                               The revolution

              Alex couldn't sleep well that night at nearly 9 o'clock she went to Harry's and told him what had happened with Q.E and what she had told her. Harry became worried and said '' You must be careful Alex you may harm yourself. What have you decided ?'' Alex '' I will go to the group and end this friendship and my membership as well and I will break up with Leo.'' Harry '' I'll go with you there.'' Then they rode their horses and went there. When they entered the house, they could find that the group were having a meeting. They were discussing the revoltuion they would make. Michael said '' Finally now we are all present.'' Anna '' Yesterday they killed a boy just because he wrote on the wall Go Down King Larosa.'' Fredric '' This is the sign that we have been waiting for. Tomorrow we will go for a demonstration with the procession of Duke Andrew as he is leaving Paris.'' Harry and Alex were speechless. Sandra noticed that and said '' Hello we are talking what do you both think ?'' Alex '' I don't know but what if the soldiers attacked us.'' Harry '' Yes they are fierce they have no mercy.'' Leo '' We are willing to do anything for France.'' So Alex couldn''t break up with them. Then all of them went outside in the streets encouraging the people to take part with them. Many people agreed to go with them nearly most of Paris as their demonstration was spread in all over Paris. The next day, during the procession of Duke Andrew they gathered in different places and then when Duke Andrew's coach approached them , Frederic , Michael and Leo held the flags of France and shouted out  '' Freedom , equality and brotherhood or death.'' and the people shouted out after them and they moved forwards while the procession moved backwards. At that time Duke Andrew was sitting in the coach so calm and called for the soldier '' Why we aren't moving forwards ?''  The soldier '' There is a demonstration monsieur.'' Duke Andrew '' Hahahahhaha a demonstration. Look if they didn't allow us to move, shoot them.'' Then Duke Andrew went out of the coach and stood infront of the people and said '' What is this fuss all about you savages ?''  Frederic '' We aren't savages you are savages you live on our money work and rights. In the name of the people we ask you to get out of the country and to leave your position.'' Andrew '' Hahahahahahaha On my dead body. Let us move.'' Michael '' No '' Andrew '' I will count from 1 to 3 if you didn't move, I'll shoot you all and will show the real injustice. 1 ..... 2 ....... 3. '' When he said 3 the people shouted out '' Freedom for France '' Then Andrew shot one of them, and the a battle began between the soldiers and the revolutionaries. Leo was trying to protect Alex and everyone tried to protect the other. There were many victims from the two sides and bloodshed. However, during the fight Andrew could see that Alex was there, he was totally stunned. He approached her and grabbed her by arm strongly and said '' What are you doing here ?'' Alex '' Leave me alone none of your business.'' Andrew '' You will be doomed by your deeds. You are against your father the king and me.'' Alex '' I am with the right side.'' She tried to go away from him but she couldn't. Leo saw them and run towards Alex and tried to take her away but Andrew didn't let him so they fought with each other fiercely.  Leo beat him and took Alex quickly to their house to hide her there to save her. But unfortunately , Andrew and his servant was following them. As soon as , Leo opened the door to Alex Andrew fought with Leo, Andrew's servant was clever he took the chance of Leo being distracted by Andrew and took Alex with him. Alex tried to defend herself but she couldn't. Andrew's servant took her and locked her in the coach, she kept yelling and hitting the door to get out but in vain. When Leo saw Alex taken by the servant  he tried to save her but Andrew hit him with a stone on the ground on his head that he fell to the ground at once. Then Andrew went with Alex back to the palace. At that time, Harry was looking for Alex everywhere '' Where could she be ? '' Then lastly he decided to go to the house may be he would find her there. But to his surprise he found Leo on the ground and a blood going out from his head. What had happened ? Who had done that to Leo ? and the most importantly Where was Alex ? Harry had no idea .

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