Chapter 9

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                                                                Chapter (9)

               The next day Alex woke up early. She was preparing herself on how to tell Leo the truth. Would he believe her ? Would he forgive her ? She didn't know but she decided lastly to tell him the truth. She rode her horse and went to the forest. She arrived there on time. Leo was waiting there. Alex '' Leo Bonjour.'' Leo '' Bonjour Alex '' Alex '' Leo you know how much I love you right ?'' Leo '' Yes what's wrong ?'' Alex '' Leo there's something I should have told you two years ago I now trust you and you are my whole life. I am Princess Alexandra Larosa Liswoska the only daughter of King Larosa.'' Leo '' You must be kidding me.'' Alex '' No, I am not and she showed him the ring she wears '' Princess Alexandra '' was written on it she showed him her handkerchief it also had her name. Leo couldn't believe himself and then he nodded and said '' That's why you and your brother were trying to become our friends you didn't miss any lesson or party or any occasion done by the group.'' Alex '' No we came because we believed in everything you said and we were convinced by it.'' Leo '' You think I am foolish. I also wondered what would bring such a lady to the forest and what would make her like me ?'' Alex '' No this is not true I used to go to the forest since I was young to play and relax there. It was coincidence.'' Leo '' Hahahahaa Liar may be the king felt that there is a group threatening his throne so he planned to make one of them fall in love with the princess and to tell her everything about them. What a mind '' Alex '' Noo My father doesn't even know you. No one in the palace knows you.'' Leo '' I want a clear answer. Why did you do this to me ? Why did you take my heart and made me love you ?'' Alex '' I didn't I swear that all of those things aren't true. I met by chance. I liked you by time and now I love you.'' Leo '' Love me !! If you really loved me, you wouldn't do that to me. I don't know what does it matter for you ? You live in a luxuriuos palace ,eat the best food , wear the best dresses and have lots of money and possessions that can solve the problems of a whole nation.'' Alex '' You know nothing we live in that palace as slaves we have nothing to choose everything is forced on us I was forced to marry someone  I don't love. I was forced to live upon the poor. I've never chosen to live so I tried to make the king more tolerant to the people but I couldn't. You don't know anything.'' Leo '' What !! You expect me to believe so.'' Alex '' Believe it or not. I am saying the truth. '' Leo began to calm down and said '' Then why you didn't tell me that you were a princess.'' Alex '' Because I got sick of being treated as if I were a God. I wanted you to know who I really was and to respect me for who I am not for being a princess.'' Leo '' Or you didn't trust me.'' Alex '' If I didn't trust you, I would never meet you again.'' Leo began to become happy somehow then Alex looked at him and said '' Why don't you come with me ?'' Leo '' Where '' Alex '' To the palace. Don't worry.'' Leo '' Ok ''  They rode their horses and went towards the palace.  From the rules of the palace no one can enter it unless he or she came with one of the royal family or by invitation . There were rooms and places allowed to the visitors and rooms to the private visitors but the rooms and suits of the members of the royal family no one was allowed to enter them. However, Alex took Leo with her he easily enetered with her. He was enchanted by the view he couldn't believe that he was inside the palace she showed the palace from inside and outside , the garden , the kitchen and the hall of dancing and the stable. She told nearly everything in this palace. Then she took him to a secret room it was the most precious one in the palace. Inside it you can find portraits to the royal family since the first king till King Larosa some diaries of the princes , maps and books that talked about their history and achievements. It was such a breathtaking view. Then after they had finished their tour inside the palace. They sat in the garden for a while to have some rest. Alex '' So what do you think ?'' Leo '' Wow everything here is fascinating. Thank you very much for this tour.'' Alex '' You're welcome. If you wanted to come here anytime just tell me.'' Leo '' I loved the place but still..'' Alex '' Still what ?'' Leo '' Thinking of those people who live outside and our duty towards France.'' Alex '' How partiot you are.'' Leo '' Merciii.'' After that they left the palace and Leo told Alex '' Alex don't tell anyone about that I would be dangerous for you. You don't know what would the people do to you and I am so worried about you.'' Alex '' Don't worry no one will know.'' Leo '' I am sorry for what I've said this morning I said do because I really love you.'' Alex '' Never mind I love you too. Yoy're my one and only.'' Leo '' And so you are for me.'' Then Leo left and both were happy. But as they say " Walls have ears.'' Q.E saw Alex all day with Leo after he had left she called for her. Alex came and said '' Bonsoir Maman.'' Q.E '' Bonsoir ma chère. Who is that guy ?'' Alex '' Who ?'' Q.E '' The one who was with you all day.'' Alex '' He is Leonardo from the Alonso's He is one of my new friends.'' Q.E '' The Alonso's I've never heard of them they aren't from the nobles.'' Alex '' But they are from the best people I've ever met.'' Q.E '' I don't care for that. Are you sure that he is just a friend.'' Alex '' Well Maman I like him too.'' Q.E '' Shame on you Alex Shame on you. How dare you love an ordinary guy he isn't even from the nobles.'' Alex '' I will not love him for his money.'' Q.E '' Oh God he is poor too. What has happened to you Alex ? Have you got crazy ? You are breaking the laws of the palace .'' Alex '' Laws Laws I hate them We made laws and we control them. Laws will not control our lives or hearts or feelings.'' Q.E '' Is that why you refused to marry Duke Andrew ?'' Alex '' No I refused Duke Andrew because I don't love him.'' Q.E '' I knew it that you loved someone else from the beginning. Listen my dear You will get married to Duke Andrew before anyone know this shame that you brought.'' Alex '' But mom I've refused Duke Andrew before and the king didn't reject on that.'' Q.E '' If the king knew that you love anyone outside this palace, he would kill you.'' Alex '' But mom this can't be I am the one who will marry and I have the right to choose what I want.'' Q.E '' He even taught you how to talk about your rights this brute.'' Alex '' Please mom don't do that.'' Q.E '' It's over. Tomorrow go to that brute and tell him that's enough and don't ever talk to him ever again. Now go to your suit and remember who you are.'' Alex went to her suit full of anger and unsatisfaction but she had nothing to do. She couldn't sleep all night and decided to go the next day to Leo and the group and to end this friendship before the king knows about them.

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