Chapter (8)

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                                                                   Chapter 8

The next day Alexandra woke up early and so did Harry. It was the course day. They got prepared and then went to Leo's house. Leo was waiting for Alex outside the place was full of many people. Leo was surprised to see a strange man coming with Alex. Alex '' Bonjour Leo.'' Leo '' Bonjour Alex '' Alex '' This is my brother Harry. Harry this is Leonardo.'' Harry and Leo '' Nice to meet you.'' Then all of them entered the house and the lesson began. Well , Harry found the group friendly too and began to come with Alex every time se went there. By time Harry and Alex loved the group and they became a part of it and best friends as well. Two years has passed and the friendship between Harry and Alex and the group became stronger. However, one day after the lesson Alex was walking with Leo so Leo asked her '' Tell me Alex Can a lady with your beauty be single till now ?'' Alex laughed and said '' Yes I am still single but ...'' Leo '' but what ?'' Alex '' Many men have proposed to marry me since I was 16 but I refused them all.'' Leo '' Why ? Weren't they rich ?'' Alex '' It is not for the money or authority but I haven't found the right person yet. What about you ?'' Leo '' I am the only single in the group. I haven't also foun the right girl yet.'' Alex '' We have many things in common.'' Leo '' Yes that what delights me.'' Leo was jumping out of joy after he had known that Alex was single and so was Alex. The group decided to tell Harry and Alex their secret and to allow them to join them in the revolutionary group for they noticed their participation in the group but they have to know more details about them both but because they love them they will allow them to get into their group. The group made a meeting and invited Harry and Alex to it. Michael stood up and said loudly '' In the name of our group I announce our agreement on the membership of Harry and Alexandra in our group and we hope that they continue till the end against the corruption of the royal family and toward the liberty of the French. Our motto is Liberté, Égalité, Fraternité ou la mort (( Freedom , equality and brotherhood or death )).'' On hearing that announcement Alex and Harry felt uncomfortable and they were very worried about their family. After the meeting was over, Leo asked Alex '' Can I have a word with you ?'' Alex '' Sure '' Leo was worried and hesitated he didn't know if she loved him or not. He told her '' You know I have never loved before I don't even know the meaning of love. I used to focus on my studies and  my work in the group. No girl has attracted me and I thought that I would never find my dream girl. But if love means to be concerned about someone and to wait for the day you meet her , to be so happy when she is with you to be so depressed when she is away and to miss her before she take a step away from you then this means that I love you so much and I can't live without you.'' Alex on hearing those sweet charming words her cheeks went red. She thought she was dreaming she couldn't believe herself but at the same time she seemed worried because Leo didn't know her secret. Leo could see that Alex was worried so he said '' Pardon for what I've said Alex if that annoyed you tell me.'' Alex '' Don't say Pardon because I love you too so much.'' Leo felt he was on the seventh heaven. Alex '' Leo Will you ever leave me one day ?''  Leo '' I am willing to pay my life for you. I'll never abandon you.'' Alex '' There's something I want to tell you badly.'' Leo '' What is it ?'' Alex '' I am ..'' Harry interrupted her saying '' Alex It's late we have to go now.'' So Alex told Leo '' Meet me tomorrow at 9 in the forest I have something important to tell and show.'' Leo '' Ok I'll be there. See you soon Alex.'' Alex '' See you later Leo.'' When Alex and Harry returned back to the palace , she was on her way to her suit when her maid told her '' Your highness Duke Andrew has been waiting for you for nearly an hour in the garden.'' Alex looked surprised '' What does he want ?'' The maid '' He only told me that he will wait for you.'' Alex went to Duke Andrew and said '' Hello Duke Andrew.'' D.A '' Hi Princess Alexandra'' Alex '' I am sorry for being late what's the matter ?'' D.A '' Well as you know dear princess I was sent on a war that lasted for months after that the King made me manage the affairs of the peace treat and to rule that land we invaded and I've just  returned.'' Alex '' We are very thankful to your efforts for the kingdom and you are reliable person.'' D.A '' Thank you but there's something I have to know.'' Alex '' Which is ?'' D.A '' Are you still refusing to marry me ?'' Alex '' Why are you asking ? Didn't Duke Michael tell you that happened two years ago.'' D.A '' I couldn't believe it I want to hear it from you. You don't know what you mean to me.'' Alex '' D.A My refusal doesn't mean I hate you. I consider you my brother and we can be friends by time.'' D.A '' Oh Alex please don't say it You don't know how much I love you.'' Alex '' Please Andrew there's no need to say that May be there's someone who loves you.'' D.A '' Alex I love you You are mine and we will get married.'' Alex '' I have to go now. Anything else ?'' D.A '' You may not accept what I've said now but later you will.'' Alex tried to forget what happened with D.A for she was over the moon because of Leo. She went to bed and had nice dreams.

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