Chapter 11

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                                                                      Chapter 11 

                    Harry hurried to Leo and helped him. Leo took time to wake up. Harry asked him '' Where is Alex ?'' Leo '' The last thing I saw Duke Andrew took her in the coach and vanished.'' Harry '' What ?! Duke Andrew. I know where she is. I have to go now.'' Leo '' Wait where could she be ?'' Harry '' I can't tell you.'' Then Harry left quickly and went to the palace immediately. Before Harry went to the palace, Alex and Andrew had arrived there. As soon as they opened the door of the coach , Alex tried to run away but she couldn't the servant held her firmly. Alex shouted '' Leave me alone.'' Andrew '' No not before you know how to deal as a princess.'' Alex '' It's none of you business.'' Andrew '' No dear Don't forget that you are mine.'' Alex '' I hate you.''  Then Andrew told one of the guards '' Tell Prince Edward the I want to see him now it's urgent.'' After a while Edward came feeling ncomfortable, when Alex saw him she run towards him and said '' Save me Edward They forced me to come and they took violently to the coach.'' Edward looked angrily at him and said '' How dare you ? Is that a way to deal with a princess ?'' Andrew '' Pardon me your highness but you don't know what had happened.'' Edward '' Whatever happens You don't have the right to deal with my sister Princess Alexandra like this.'' Andrew '' Please your highness Can I have a word with you alone ?'' Edward '' No '' Then suddenly a soldier came and approached Edward and told him in his ear '' Your highness I am afraid to tell you the Paris is in danger there is a revolution outside and the royal family are in danger too. What shall we do ?'' Andrew heard him and said '' That what I was going to tell you your highness. Please Can we talk alone ?'' Edward looked at him and said '' Ok come with me.'' Alex felt worried and wanted to know what Andrew had told Edward. She waited in her suite. Edward told Andrew '' What do you want to say ?'' Andrew '' You highness I am afraid to say that Alex is one of the leaders of this revolution and it seems that she has been with them for years , besides , it seems she is in love with one of the leaders who is called '' Leonardo '' ''  Edward became furious and said '' One more word about my sister and you will be doomed. I know that you wanted to marry her but now it's over. Is there anything you want to say ?'' Andrew '' And what if I brought that boy to your highness ?'' Edward '' I bet you can do that I know that there is a revolution but those things about Princess Alexandra are lies. If you don't have anything to say , then go.'' Although Edward showed to Andrew that he didn't believe anything from what he said, he was still suspicious. Andrew told his servant '' Get me that boy immediately.'' The servant '' Ok monsieur he will be there before sunset.'' Then he went to the guards and told them that order. They went immediately after Leonardo. At the time the people were hiding in their homes from the soldiers and preparing themselves for the battle. In the house the doctor was with Leonardo after he made sure that Leonardo was fine. Leonardo asked his friends '' Has anyone of you seen Harry or Alex ?'' They replied '' No '' Then he stood up and said '' I will go to the forest. May be I'll meet one of them there. '' Michael '' No Are you crazy ? You're injured.'' Leo '' I don't care two of our friends have disappeared we must look for them.'' Then Leo went outside Fredric and Michael went after him. While he was walking in the forest, one of the guards saw him and said '' I found him.'' Then the servant said '' But he isn't alone. We must distract them.'' The guard made sounds all around in the trees and the ground. The three men decided to separate. When Leo was alone, one of the guard grabbed him violently and put a piece of cloth on his mouth and eyes and tied his hands and legs. Then they took him to the palace. Andrew was sitting with the King and Edward discussing the revolution. The servant rushed and said '' We got him sir.''  The king '' Who ?'' The servant '' One of the leaders of this revoltuion your majesty.'' The King looked at Andrew and said '' Bravo. You've made the first step.'' Andrew '' Thank you your majesty.'' Then when the meeting was over. Andrew told Edward '' I got him Do you believe me ?'' Edward '' I want to see him first.'' Leo was locked in a cell in the palace. It was dark, narrow and dusty. Edward, Andrew and one of the guards went to this cell. The guard was holding a candle. Then Edward said '' I will enter alone. Give the candle and go.'' Then Andrew and the guard left while Edward stayed. He opened to door of the cell and entered. Leonardo looked amazed he didn't know him and said '' Who are you ?'' Edward '' Prince Edward.'' Leo '' The hier of the throne. I know you.'' Edward '' Who are you ?'' Leo '' I am Leonardo. A revolutionary.'' Edward '' Tell me Do you know Princess Alexandra ?'' Leo '' Alex. Yes.'' Edward '' Alex How dare you say that ?'' Leo '' What's wrong ?  She is our friend.'' Edward '' Our ? Who are you ?'' Leo '' I will say nothing.'' Edward '' Say or you will regret.'' Leo '' I never regret What will you do ?'' Edward '' You don't know what we do in prisons. So be clever and tell me about your friends.'' Leo '' On my dead body.'' Edward '' You must be crazy do you know who you are talking to ?'' Leo '' Yes but that doesn't mean you're better than me.'' Edward shouted at him '' What's between you and Alexandra ?'' Leo was silent after this question and kept looking at Edward. Edward understood what he meant. Leo said '' At first we were just friends but now I will marry her soon.'' Edward '' In your dreams you brute.'' Then Edward left and shut the door behind him. Edward was in a black mood. He decided at once to go to Alex. He went to her suite and locked the door behind him. When he entered Alex knew that a catastrophe was about to happen. He stood infront of her and said '' We have arrested one of the revolutionaries called Leonardo.'' Alex was shocked and said '' What ? '' Edward then became assured that Alex loved Leo. Alex '' And what will you do to him ?'' Edward '' Of course he will be punished for his deeds or he may be sentenced to death.'' Alex seemed so depressed and said '' Can't you forgive him ? He hasn't done anything wrong.'' Edward then looked at Alex and said '' Under condition '' Alex '' Which is ? '' Edward '' You will go and break up with him and with the other brutes and tell me about their secrets and moves. '' Alex was more stunned by that condition and became speechless didn't know what to say or do. She wanted to help Leo but she will get him and his friends imprisoned and if she did nothing, he would be sentenced to death. It was such a confusing matter.

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