Chapter 7

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                                                                       Chapter (7)

                The next day Alex woke up early and went to the garden to walk for a while as a kind of sport. Then she went to Harry he was reading at that time. As soon as she entered his suit, he stood up quickly and told her '' I have been thinking about last night all day please tell me what's going on.'' Alex '' Harry please I want you to keep that secret don't ever tell it to anyone.'' Harry '' I am all ears.'' Alex '' It all began in the forest ..'' She told him all whatt happened from the first dy she met Leo till the last night's party. Harry looked amazed and said '' Wow !! all that happened in those days.'' Alex '' Yes I am so worried.'' Harry '' Worried of what ? There's nothing to fear or regret but will you really attend their class tomorrow.'' Alex '' Yes they are so friendly.'' Harry '' Do they know that you are a princess ?'' Alex '' No, but I will tell them in the perfect time.'' Harry '' I'd like to come with you tomorrow. Would they mind ?'' Alex '' No of course not but don't tell them that you are a prince.'' Harry '' Don't worry and you don't tell Edward about them or he will go after them.'' Alex '' For sure I won't but there's a problem .'' Harry '' What ?! '' Alex '' This silly Duke Andrew still wants to marry me and still mom wants me to accept.'' Harry '' What about father ?'' Alex '' I don't know I didn't talk to him about it.'' As they we were talking a maid came into the suit and said '' Your highness His majesty King Larosa wants to see you in his suit immediately.'' Alex '' Ok I'll come.'' Then the maid went away and Alex went to the king's suit. She was so worried then she entered and knelt to her father and said '' Yes your majesty.'' The king '' Come closer Alex my dear .'' Alex came closer but she seemed so worried. The King looked at her and said '' Oh my daughter has become an adult now and will be married.'' Alex '' Married ?!'' The King '' Alex be frank with me do you really want to get married to Duke Andrew ?'' Alex '' Your majesty truly I don't even know him well and when I talked to him once I didn't like him.'' The king '' Well my darling you know how much I love you and I will not force you to do anything unless you agree.I want a final answer yes or no .'' Alex thought for a while and then said '' No '' The King '' Ok my sweetie. You can go now.'' Alex was surprised she didn't expect so then hugged her father and said '' Thank you so much papa.'' Alex didn't believe herself. Was she dreaming ? She couldn't believe that that nightmare was over. After 2 hours when Alex was in her room reading her book a maid came into her suit and said '' Your highness her majesty Queen Elizabeth wants to see you.'' Alex '' Ok I am coming.'' Alex went to her mother's and said '' Mama how are you today ?'' Q.E '' I am fine thanks. Alex tell me why you didn't accept Duke Andrew.'' Alex '' Mom I don't like him besides I think that you won't be able to go one with each other.'' Q.E was angry and said '' Alexandra you don't like him means that you like another one.'' Alex was shocked by that and said '' Another one who ?'' Q.E '' That I want to know if you like another one tell me.'' Alex was hesitated '' I don't like another one that fuss is about Duke Andrew why ?'' Q.E '' Because he is the one of the best men in this country and it would an honour to us and to them.'' Alex '' No mom he is not one of the best men there are men who are much better than him.'' Q.E '' Who are they ? Tell me Alex if you know them.'' Then she became calm and said '' Dear Alex You have to put something important in your mind. You are a princess and you are from the royal family and there are some decisions that you can't choose it yourself.'' Alex '' I understand mom I am sorry.'' Q.E '' Ok My darling so what were you doing ?'' Alex '' I was reading then I was going to go to the forest I feel I want some relaxation.'' Q.E '' Are you still going to the forest ? You haven't gone there since you were 13.'' Alex '' Yes mom sometimes I feel bored so I go there.'' Q.E '' But be careful.'' Alex '' Don't worry mom.'' Q.E '' Ok You can go to the forest now.'' Alex then rode her horse and went to the forest but that time she didn't go as usual for relaxation she went to see Leo. At that time Leo also was at the forest hunting he was very fond of hunting. He saw Alex coming he then hid behind the tree and watched her. Alex looked for him for a while she seemed to be looking for something or someone. \When she didn't find him she was going to leave when Leo jumped suddenly behind her she got scared and was about to scream when she Leo she got angry and said '' Uff You scared me to death.'' Leo was laughing badly '' Hahahaha Got you What were you looking for ?'' Alex '' Nothing. You bad guy.'' Leo '' Hahahaha I am sorry .'' Alex '' Ok Never mind.'' Leo '' So how are you doing ?'' Alex '' I am fine and you.'' Leo '' I am great.'' Alex '' So did the party last yesterday too long ?'' Leo '' No not too long I didn't stay too long after you had left, I stayed for a while then I went home.'' Alex '' Why ?! the party was nice.'' Leo '' Until you left.'' Alex on hearing that her cheeks went red. She didn't know what to say. Leo looked at her and smiled '' I love it when your cheeks go red.'' Alex '' Aww Thank you.'' Then they talked nearly for an hour after that both left happily.

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