angry cat

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yurio pov...

I was standing in the lunch line. tapping my foot, waiting for this hell to be over with. I went on my phone and went on my dad face book.

" piece of shit" I said under my breath. I saw a few pictures of my siblings. james and marget. a sad smile played on my face. I'm jealous of the other kids because they get normal lives, normal parents, they get to grow up with their siblings. to be loved and care for and it pisses me off when kids always say.

"my life sucks"

"I'm depressed."

"nobody loves me."

I want to punch them in the face to make them realize what they have and what I dont have. I dont sulk about my life. I cant tell anybody what happens to me in the past. my uncle works 24/7 and I have no mom and dad. I cant tell any of my friends because they will pity me. and I hate pity. when I tell some one my story I want them to be all like. " your strong to go through this hell hole we call life."

I want them to understand I'm not weak but I'm strong.

I felt a tap on my shoulder. I turned and saw otabek.

" who are they." he said pointing a picture of siblings on my phone. I frowned.

" no one, just some kid on the internet." I said, shrugging my shoulders.

" that not what your eyes showed." he said in a mintone voice. what the hell?

" I dont know them." I said with a growl in my voice basically saying to back off.

minami showed up. " yurio and otabek want to eat with me?" he ask in that innnocent voice of hes. a shiver went up my spine.

" sure." I said with a shrug.

minami looks at otabek. " and how about you?"

he nodded. as me and otabek got our lunches. we sat with mianmi.

"so lets play truth or dare!but here the rules if someone gave some one a truth or dare we all have to do it for example, who do you have a crush on? I have a crush on yuri. " ask minami.

"I'm new so I think it might be a crush but I dont know." said otabek with a shrug.

"uhh...I need to see yuri for a sec, I think I have missing work in hes class." I said grabbing my things and walking towards hes class.

nope, I'm gonna beat the hell out of him. why wont minami like me? stupid yuri.

I knock on hes door. I could hear voices behind the door but I couldnt make them out.

yuri open the door and victor was right behind him.

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