27. Kingdom Hubada

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Vanoss POV
This is going be hard for me, when my mum left me at Jane's house I waited for a couple of months then spent years looking for her or the kingdom but I could never find it after a while I stopped trying. I can't believe she died, I kinda knew but I didn't want it to be true.

Right now we are making are way to Hubada. Lui was annoying Ohm and I was in my thoughts Jon grabbed my hand "Evy you with us?" Jon asked concerned "o-oh yes" he frowned but didn't push it.
"OOOOHHHMMM! Are we there yet my legs are sore" Lui whined in his squeaker voice making Ohm cringe "if you ask one more time I swear to god I'l- wait hold on" Ohm paused we looked over a rock to see my kingdom broken, rusting, over-grown sea weed it's just so empty "wow!" Mini gasped Jon grabbed my hand "you sure you can go with us?" he questioned I took a deep breath "let's go" I stated swimming towards what's left of Hubada and the guys followed.

"Alright so where's the book?" Luke asked Ohm "guess" "guess? Um the castle must be" Bryce answered "haha no silly that would just be retarded" Ohm laughed "the old magic merpeople knew that's where everyone would think it is when actually they put it in a place that everyone in Hubada always saw" Ohm explained swimming towards the middle of the kingdom while we followed. "They hide it here in the water fountain. Smart right!" Ohm revealed...really after 6 years I didn't even realise a powerful, magic book was in a fountain "okay that's smart" Moo agreed "question, why does Hubada have a water fountain because we are under water so what's the point?" Brian puzzled I laughed a bit "I thought the same until my dad told me it actually keeps the water around here clean" I explained "oh got ya, I thought this would have been some spongebob logic" we all chucked but Ohm who had no idea what we talking about.

Ohm swam up to the water fountain which had a clocks face on it and started to pull at it "argh!" He grunted struggling to open it he pulled away "dammit" he muttered "don't worry Ohm maybe it's just jammed. Jon, Tyler, Luke can you guys try?" I asked because they were the strongest also kinda want to see Delirious' muscles in full action hehe.

The three of them grabbed a side a started to pull. After pulling for a couple of minutes it finally opened "WOOOO fuck you clock face ya bitch!" Wildcat cheered. Ohm put his hand in a grabbed out a brown book with a Ω symbol on it "Yep! This is it, let's get back to land before someone catches us" Ryan beamed we nodded.

We quickly swam back to the shore, Mini swore he saw a shark but we saw nothing. "So how do we do this?" I asked "well for the spell to work we need just one item" Ohm chirped that's really good "okay what is it" Tyler wondered "a sacrifice".

We all were speechless, mouths hanging. Ohm then started to laugh "I'm joking god no, we just need an item of two soulmates" Ohm reassured damn Ryan scared the shit out of me "alright does any of you have an item?" He asked "why would we have one" "because no one here is straight and I'm pretty sure you all either are in a relationship or have a crush on someone here" Ohm ended, he's not wrong. Jonathan looked to me "Evan is that the necklace I got you?" He questioned I looked down at it...wait oh shit how could I forget about this "yes! It is. Ohm will this work?" I wondered, he lifted it to see it better he flipped it then gave a confused look "H20vanoss?" He read I blushed a bit "oh um t-thats...well don't worry about it" Delirious awkwardly said Brian gave a snort Delirious glared at him "s-sorry sir".

I gave my necklace to the brunette  "alright Evan we need to get you on land, I'll give you a water bubble" Ohm said I nodded going up. Holding my breath Ohm made a water bubble and Jon carried me to the sand. Everyone was out of the water I really, really glad that I can get my legs back I couldn't imagine leaving Jon and the guys.

Ryan opened the spell book "Evan I have to warn you, I've not done this spell before so there is a possibility you will ever be a merman again..." he warned trail off a bit I froze, I love being a merman honestly it may have its flaws but so does everything "oh" I said under my breath I looked at he looked worried "Evan it's okay if you don't want to have legs again if it costs you tail" Jon spoke sadly. I'm not leaving Delirious, never again "do the spell Ohm" I ordered he nodded and was about to begin when a gunshot was heard. I saw a bullet fly right past my face but it didn't hit me or anyone else. We looked to where the shot was heard "hello boys~"...it was Jack.

"You forgot about me! Oh I'm so sad" he joked with a stupid grin. We're so fucked no one has a weapon and the magic book probably doesn't have attacking spells. Jack point the gun straight at me aiming for my heart "bye bye Ev-" "YEET!" A voice yelled another gunshot was heard and Jack fell to the ground. To the left of Jack was a man with white hair, 3D like eyes and was wearing cool clothes "take that you dumb bitch!" the man laughed "w-who are you?" Tyler questioned "they call me Smii7y the milk bag" he said in a cool way "SMII7Y GET YOUR CUTE ASS HERE!" "COMING JOHNNY, we'll see ya guys" then Smii7y ran off.

We were all confused "okay um that was something" Bryce said puzzled I nodded "alright Tyler can you hide the body?" Mini asked his face a bit green from the Jacks deadness "yeah sure" Tyler picked up Jack "KOBE!" and threw him into the ocean.

3rd POV
"Okay let's do the spell" Ohm chirped he held the necklace in his left hand.

"A los dioses y diosas, les pido que dejen que esta criatura acuática vea la tierra a la vista. Darles allí sus piernas para caminar o correr, para todos los placeres de la tierra y otras cosas porque este dios era perezoso y no un poeta" Ohm spoke.

Green lights appeared around Evan, the boys took a step back Evan's body started the float his tail started to fade slowly giving him back his tanned legs and shorts (clothes guys he has clothes) the green lights went away and Evan dropped Jon ran and caught him "it work!" Jon beamed relieved "I know" Evan grabbed Jon and kissed him lovingly and passionately "I love you so much Jon" "I love you so much too Evan".

Btw I'm not Spanish or know how to speak the language. I just think Spanish is cool.
I used google translate so if it's wrong or something I'm sorry.

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