Chapter 1

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So I'm redoing the whole story.Some parts will stay but most would be deleted.I didnt delete the chapters I unpublished them since im doing it over.I wrote this a year ago and I'm not satisfied with it.So hope you like the new version!

"So Lexi,how was........jail?"Aunt Cindy asked.

Her long thin features were more visible as she smiled.

Fake smile that is.

The conference jail room was quiet except for the guard next to me breathing like he has an asthma attack.The officer sitting at a wooden desk looked as if me sitting here was a mistake. I looked back at him nodding a little. Aunt Cindy fixed her giant hat that layer over her thick brown curls as if that would ease the tension.

"Alright."I mumbled.My butt itched from the old chair I was sitting in and my fingers hurt from continuous biting.

"Good."she replied looking straight at the officer.On his name tag it said Bill.

Bill nodded and gave the papers to Aunt Cindy.My eyes wavered over to the enormous stack.

Is this all for custody?I thought.After five minutes she finished and gave the paper to Bill.

Bill sighed and signaled the guard next to me.I got up and waited for the handcuffs to come off.Once it did I held both my wrists massaging them.

"OK.Lexi,you are going to live with your aunt and her family until you are of age and decide to move out."Bill said.

The guard left the room quickly as if an argument was about to go down.

Which was.

"Why can't my mom take me?"I asked looking straight at Bill.

He cleared his throat.His beer belly moved every possible way as he got up.

"Your mother isn't your legal guardian anymore."Bill answered.He sat on the edge of the desk near me glancing at his gun on his desk.

"Is she dead?"


"Then why can't she-

Aunt Cindy got up and grabbed my arm softly.I gave her a look and she still held onto it.

"Well Officer Bill, thank you.I will just take my neice and we'll be on our way."Aunt Cindy said.

Before Bill could reply we were already on the first floor.I took my arm out of her grip and walked toward the officer at the front desk.He had a large beard that covered his whole face blocking his mouth,nose,everything.Aunt Cindy walked over to me glaring.

"What are you doing sweetie?"she asked.

"I'm not your sweetie"I spat.I didn't mean to be harsh but Aunt Cindy can't just disappear for eight whole years and comes back to be my legal adult.That's foul if you ask me.

"Is there a problem?"The officer asked looking at me worriedly.

"No."Aunt Cindy said pulling me by arm out the front door.

The bright sun blinded my eyes but made me feel warm.I stood there admiring the glistening parking lot,but Aunt Cindy yelled out my name.

"Coming."I yelled back walking over to her blue Honda.

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