I Remember It Well

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  • Dedicated to All the lives lost and all the heros of Sept 11, 2001

I Remember it Well

In the year of our Lord Two thousand and one

Oh what a horrible thing was done

It was September eleventh and I remember it well

The day I watched on, as those towers fell

People were screaming and people were crying

And way too many people were dying

I remember hearing that the pentagon was attacked as well

And thinking to myself, they must feel like they’re going thru hell

Such a sad tragedy brought on by hate

And now so many will remember that date

So many people lost their lives

Mothers, fathers, husbands and wives

They were somebody’s daughters and somebody’s sons

And people were left asking "why was this done?"

No matter who is blamed or what people might say

Nothing will ever make all that hurt go away

All the brave souls on flight 93

Will always be remembered by me

And all the lost lives from the other flights too

I’ll never forget them or what they must have gone through

I can still see all the ashes and all of the dust

And people looking around for someone to trust

I watched it all happen on my TV

What an awful sight for my eyes to see

I prayed my prayers and I shed my tears

And I asked the Lord to ease our fears

Then I kissed my babies and held them tight

And I thanked my God that they were alright

Because I knew that so many mothers were not as lucky as me

On that sad day of such great tragedy

They called it an attack on America because some hated what we stood for

But I called it an attack on innocent people who deserved so much more

I also recall how people started waving their flags and showing their American pride

On that sad day when so many innocent people died

It was almost like they wanted to say

You can attack our country

But we are here to stay

We will still be proud and we will still stand tall

No matter how many towers we have to watch fall

But my heart wouldn’t let me feel any pride

It just wanted to grieve for those who had died

On this tenth anniversary of the day that those towers fell

I remember that grieving, I remember it well.

©Written by Jeannie Marie Baisden 2011

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