Part 4: 9 months

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Erens p.o.v

Levi was due any day now and he was really becoming ill. he could barely stand and eat, doctor hanji was still his doctor but she had one away on vacation and we hoped she'd be back in time.

Hanji was coming home that night and she was already on the plane. Levi hadn't gone Into labour so she would be here in time for whenever he did.

The night hanji was coming home, me and Levi were asleep in bed. "FUCK..EREN WAKE UP" Levi said shaking me, I slowly woke up and turned on the light. There was Levi sitting up in the bed holding his stomach. "what's wrong?" I asked rubbing my eyes. "I TH-THINK IM IN LABOUR" he yelled, my eyes then snapped. "how can you tell?". he turned and looked at me. "EREN YOU GOTTA HELP ME" he yelled again. I then ran as called hanji. as the phone rang I could here levi screaming in the next room. "(yawns) hello?" hanji said. "hanji are you home yet?!" I urgently asked. "no I'm still on the plane why?" she yawned again, "Levi's in labour!", I then heard her wake up. "oh god is he ok?, Oh is that him screaming in the background?" she asked. "yeah you gotta hurry and get here". I gasped for air. "ok", then she hung up.

I went back into the bedroom, Levi was panting so much. "ok Levi I'm gonna get you to the hospital room hanji set up for you", I helped him out the bed, he could barely stand. "god Eren I can't walk anymore", I let up down on the floor an ran to get to hospital equipment for him. I came back and ran to Levi's side. "ok I got everything", I got him pillows for him to lie down on the bedroom floor. "right how do we get it out?, your meant to be asleep", he shrugged his shoulders, "OH FUCK, EREN THIS REALLY HURTS, GET IT OUT OF ME" he yelled. "em I can't.." he grabbed my face. "LISTEN TO ME YOU CAN, I BELIVE IN YOU NOW DO IT". that moment I knew what to do, I picked up the knife and moved it over to his stomach, "DO IT", I shook my head, I closed my eyes and rammed it into his stomach. levi was screaming louder then ever. "oh god" I said, throwing the knife to the side, I then began searching inside him for a baby. "AH EREN...." I could see the pain he was in, I didn't like watching him suffer. "I'm sor- wait I found it", I found the baby's hand and began pulling it out. "COME OH EREN" he screamed one last time. "LEVI ITS OUT" I screamed with joy. "" he gasped, I let him see the baby in my arms.

Just then hanji came running in, "sorry I'm here now" she ran to our sides. "it's ok it's out" I said. "Levi are you alright?", he barely nodded. "Eren why wasn't he asleep?" She snapped. "There wasn't enough time to..", she picked up a needle and Fred and started stitching up his stomach, there was an large amount of blood loss from Levi. "levi you've done so well" I said. "em why isn't he moving?" I said. "oh god he's lost to much blood, we are losing him" hanji said. "what no... Levi wake up please" I yelled. there was no response. "no don't die on me". hanji then pushed me out the room and locked to door behind me. "hanji no..let me back in", she didn't answer me. I still had the baby in my arms, it began crying. "ah what do I do?" I ran to see if I could find anyone.

Hanji's p.o.v

"Right ok Levi stay with me". he wouldn't answer, after I stitch him up, I got my machine out. i turned it in and placed to objects over his heart. "clear" I yelled and Levi's chest went up, his heart was coming back slowly. "clear" I said again making his chest go out again. his heart was getting stronger. just then his eyes shout open and a gasp came out his mouth. "Oh thank god Levi your back", he slowly turned his head. "was I gone?" he smirked. "yeah for 15 minutes", I said. "where's Eren?" he asked. "oh I sent him out the room, he was being crazy". he tried sitting up, but his stomach was still sore. He looked at his scar and almost cried. "when will I be thin again?" he asked me. I laughed at that. "em not for a while Levi sorry" he face went down. "Can you get Eren for me please?". I nodded and went out the room.

Erens p.o.v

I sat in the living room holding the baby in a white blanket. i was still panicking about Levi, I needed to know if he was alright. just then in came hanji covered in blood. "oh whats happened? he's dead isn't he?" I began to cry. "oh no Eren he's fine he's awake again and you and can see him" after she said that I gave her the baby and ran to him. I bursted in the door and there he was still on the floor and still in the pile of blood. "Hey Eren" he said making a small smile. "Oh I thought you were dead" I ran to his side and kissed his cold lips. "I was, but you can't get ride of me that easy" he smirked. "where's the baby?" he asked. "hanji" I shouted, she came into the room holding the baby. "What is it?" he asked. hanji came and kneeled down to Levi giving him the baby. "it's a boy" I said. Levi smiled and kissed his head.

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