Part 5: name

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Erens p.o.v

A couple days after Levi had giving birth to our son, we needed a name for him. while we didn't have a name we just called him baby.

Levi was still tired after that, his stitches were still sore, he wasn't really well.

"Levi we've gotta name this child, he can't go on without a name" I said.

"Yes we really need to name him", said Levi holding the child.

"I'm was thinking xavier" I said, Levi just stared at me, shaking his head. "em I'll just say some and you tell me when to stop if you hear a good one" I said, he nodded to it. "ok, Cain, Mark, Elliot, Conner, Tarb, Karl-El, winner, Dren, Casper, Matthew, Peeta, ok I can't go on any more" I was out of breath. "sorry but I did hear one I liked" he smirked. "what which one?". he looked down at the baby. "Tarb, I liked tarb" he laughed. "yeah, yeah let's call him tarb".I came over to Levi and the baby and hugged them both tightly. "ouch" I pressed hard on his stitch and it was painful for him. "Oh sorry sorry" I panicked. "oh ah..its fine" he said with pain in his voice. I bent over gently and kissed him.

After Levi went for his 4 nap today, he was still drowsy from the pain killers he's been giving for his stitches, I didn't really mind watching the baby as he slept. I mean he did go though a lot. While he slept I was with tarb in the kitchen. "ok tarb what to do you for dinner?", he didn't answer me all he did was stare at me. "oh yeah your 3 days old you can't speak" I slapped my self on my head jokingly. "well milk it is then", I got him his milk and sat down with him in the living room on the couch, he was a hungry baby. "your so beautiful it hurts" I said to the baby in my arms, I bent over and kissed his soft black hair, he had Levi's grey eyes and he didn't really have any of my features but I was alright with. Actually he had my Titan form, sorta.

At 7 o clock Levi woke up and came waddling downstairs. I was sitting giving Tarb his next feeding. "hey there sleepy head" I smirked. he waddled over to the couch and sat down next to me. "you feeling any better?" I asked. "not really, I'm still really tired" he yawned. "why don't you go back to bed then, I'll be putting tarb to bed in a moment so I'll come with you". he agreed.

I put tarb in his crib, I turned on the baby monitor and left the room. I came into mine and Levi's room and got changed. Levi was lying in bed asleep again, he looked so peaceful. I then crawled in beside him and starting hugging him as I went to sleep.

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