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Drew Ramos

Contestant Biography

Drew Ramos grew up in the Bronx with a single mom with whom he shares an unbreakable bond. He rides the subways playing music to try to make some money and get his name out there to anyone who will listen. The bright lights of Manhattan are just a train ride away, and he believes his dreams of making it big are just within reach.

★  He's a huge Mama's Boy.

★  Since graduating high school, Andrew has been trying to contribute financially since his mom is a single parent.

★  He takes his talents to the New York Subway platforms and started making $40-$50 every 3 hours.

★  He then realized that his love for singing and based off the response he got from the public, that music was something he could do for a living.

★  Andrew's dream is to make it big and to get his mother out of their neighborhood to provide them both with a better life.

★  He loves Batman.

★  People think he looks like PRINCE and he can do a spot-on facial impersonation of him.

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