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Lukas James

Contestant Biography

At 13, Lukas suffered from severe acne and it destroyed his confidence. He noticed people focusing on the way he looked and not even listening to what he had to say. It got so bad that he wanted to be pulled out of school. A few years later, his skin finally cleared up and he's been building confidence ever since. He started singing when a girl he had a crush on encouraged him. Although he's only been singing for about a year and a half, his confidence is now at an all time high and he is ready to go head to head with the more experienced singers in the competition.

★  This young talent found his voice after overcoming severe acne. Since his first time singing to a girl he had a crush on, he hasn't stopped yet.

★  His experience with acne was very traumatic, especially since he was in his first year of high school. He felt like an outcast and didn't want anyone to notice him.

★  After some intense treatment, life has finally started for Lukas. He has his confidence back and he sings everywhere he can.

★  He taught himself to play keyboard and guitar and is a straight A student.

★  He has duel citizenship with Canada and the United States.

★  His nickname when he was a kid was Lizard Boy because he used to catch lizards and put them on his ears.

★  His parents separated at a very young age and he now spends equal time with his mom and dad.

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