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Jon Klaasen

Contestant Biography

Jon Klaasen live streams his music 5 times a week from under his bunk bed in a pool house in Burbank- with an impressive amount of views. However, he sees it as just a means to an end and wants to be a star.

★  When Jon Klaasen received a guitar for his 9th birthday, it changed his life forever.

★  He was in countless plays as a kid, was in multiple bands, and almost got a record deal twice.

★  Jon was in a 3-person boy band in high school and moved to LA with his mom. Jon eventually left the group to go home.

★  Jon currently lives in a pool house in LA trying to make it as a professional singer. For work, he currently live streams 5 days a week for a major platform.

★  His friends would describe Jon as having to be the center of attention and full of energy. He loves to be around people and interact with his followers.

★  Jon was recently on a web series called Royal Crush with AwesomenessTV where he got the opportunity to film in London, Paris, and Spain.

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