Easy Mind Frame

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It's so easy for one to be bad, but to be good and do right... that's work! It's easy to be a liar or a cheater. Its easy to indulge in sin... weather it's sex or drugs. Alcohol or crimes. Not always what feels good to you is what is good for you or the right thing to do. When you are young you want to live your own life and learn your own lessons. You refuse to take anyone's advise because you want to live and learn on your own. Make your own mistakes and learn from them. The problem with that is when you don't learn from them and you continue making the same mistakes over and over again. It becomes a routine that alot never grow out of even in their adulthood, and to think it could all be avoided by learning from others mistakes and refusing to make the same mistake they made. You may want to live and make your own mistakes you can learn from but that mind frame alone starts you on the wrong path in life. If you could simply change your way of thinking and learn from others around you... you could change your life and future for the better! ( Just think about it)

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