Cherish every moment

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One of the cutest things to me may be something that bugs you a lot.

Being a mother of four ( two boys and two girls ) there is so many little things I learn to love and appreciate.

From cute little sayings to funny little gestures that get to me straight to my heart and no matter what my mood, it forces me to take  time out to smile.

Recently one of the things I just had to stop and think about was when my six year old little girl was asking me if her friends could come over and swim in the pool with her.

I told her no because it was getting late and looked as if it was about to rain but then explained maybe tomorrow if the sun is out and you behave.

Then it began... mommy please. Please! Pretty please! I will do anything you ask. I smiled but had to explain NO means NO!

As she walked out the room with a frown on her little face I looked at my husband and said "it's official" and he looked at me and smiled. I told him now we are the ones saying no.

We are the parents with the power as I remembered when I was a child and begged mom with the same words wishing for a different answer.

I explained now we have the power to use the word no. He just laughed at me as usual. But still even things as small as that makes me smile not because I enjoy telling my kids no but because I so enjoy being their mom.

Maybe its just me but that was just a moment in life I took to just set back and think.

My advice is to cherish ever moment big and small.

For its those moments that will be remembered and carry on even after you are gone.

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