I'd rather be alone!

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I get really tired of always being the good wife or the good friend.

I get tired of always trying to be there for everyone and help everyone and it blow up in my face in the end.

My husband has done great the past few days showing his so called love and attention. It was nice while it lasted.But then as always there's always a friend I'm trying to help.

Another girl I let move in because she has no place to go and needs to get on her feet. She tells me how she lost her kids to their dad and her goal is to get them back.

My heart goes out to her and I let her stay at my house. Again a very unattractive woman. Very short . Very overweight. Nearly bald.The only clothes she has are the ones I bought her. Drooling over my husband. Super sad.

I wonder why I keep putting myself through this. Is it plain stupidity. Why can't he be a good husband.

Why can't he be faithful. Why can't.he be happy with what he has.

I know I'm not the best in the world but I'm better than what he goes after and shows his attention to.

I don't know if he does it to see how far they will let him go or because he has such a low self esteem it makes him feel good to think.these females want him. Maybe he does it because he wants me alone and he doesn't want me to have any friends.

Honestly I don't know.

But I do know that once again... if it weren't for me ... he would be living with his parents and she would be homeless.

Why are they so blind to see that.

Why do people bite the hand that feeds them.

They both talk shit about eachother to me behind eachother backs but then when around eachother they argue with me and kiss eachother ass.

He tells me kick her ass out.

She tells me break up with him.

He's no good!

What the hell is wrong with me why my husband has to be like this and every single girlfriend I ever have ends up staying with me and wanting his ass.

One of the days my good deeds will pay off I know... but also one of these days all the shit people do to hurt other people will catch up to them.

I'd rather be alone !

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