Be Grateful

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Often men and woman want what they can not have and don't appreciate what they do.

From small things like our hair type to larger things like our homes, cars and relationships.

So often you sacrifice what you do have for something you think will be better to only find yourself in your own disappointment.

We need to learn to love ourselves for who we are and love the ones in our lives for who they are and for sticking with us through our up and downs.

Its true that someone is out there praying for what you are taking for granted.

If you have a car that runs be grateful. They are so many out there struggling with no transportation.

If you have a place to call home and a roof over your head be grateful.

They are so many not knowing how they are going to pay nest months rent or worse sleeping in a tent or under a bridge.

If you have healthy children be grateful. They steal many who would give their own life for their child to be healthy and so many that have always wanted children but were never able to have any.

If you have a job... be grateful.

If you woke up this morning without sickness or pain ... be grateful.

If you have food in your belly...

be grateful.

If your married to or in a serious relationship with someone that loves you and has stuck it out with you through all the curve balls, mistakes and life's ups and down... be grateful. So many not only feel alone but are alone and would give anything just to have that one someone.

Most of all...

If you were blessed in a home that fought you about God and the difference between right and wrong. A family that instilled morals and values in you from a early age.


For you are blessed!

So many people just have no clue!

All of our days are numbered.

Make each day count and be grateful for who you are and what you do have.

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