Why put your happiness in his hands

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Care about yourself just alittle bit more.

Take time to fix yourself up before walking out the door.

Stop letting others bring you down. Stop staying by yourself with no one around.

He's only going to keep doing what you will allow.

He shouldn't be telling you what you can or can't do , when you are grown your choices should be up to you.

He should show you respect for all to see... this putting you down and making you cry is not how it's suppose to be.

I pray you find happiness and so much more.

Someone that treats you right that you can love and adore.

You are worth it! Stop believeing other people lies. If people don't treat you the way you deserve its time to start with your goodbyes!

I wrote this for a friend of mine. However it reminds me.of so many people I know that are in toxic relationships and can't seem to remove themselves from them.

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