Anne Marie s sad story Part 3

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When everybody got back to David's house Anne Marie decided to tell her whole story too Charlie and Sasha even though she knows she was going to break down after this but she knows that Charlie will be there for her to have a shoulder to cry on when she needs it. 


It was a wonderful day in New Orleans Anne Marie was getting ready to go on a picnic with her foster mom and dad harold and kate it was a wonderful time for them in the sun having a fun time and sadly things turn out to be a nightmare because two Badman attack the family and try to kill them leaving them with bruises on their bodies and luckily no one got killed and they all decided to head home and on that night Kate Anne Marie's foster mom forgot to turn off the stove and the alarm went off and the house caught on fire the only one that could Escape was Anne Marie she tried to go back inside but the whole thing collapsed and sadly the whole house was gone and so were her foster parents she broke down and cried because that was the second time she lost parents and now she was a orphan all over again with nobody to take care of her at all she was all alone so she decided to leave the home she grew up in and headed to San Francisco California  End of flashback after Anne Marie finish her story she broke down and started to cry Charlie and Sasha surprised to hear this story if it's really sad and heartbreaking to see a young girl losing a family just like that so Charlie did what his heart told him to do he brought Anne Marie into a hug and comfort her she kept crying into his chest. Shhh shhh it's okay squeaker you're safe now I'm here for you everything's going to be okay I'll never leave you again Charlie said Softly  and Sasha say to Anne Marie may we see your bruises sweetheart and Anne Marie was a little nervous to show them where the bruises are she knew Charlie would not be happy about it and with that she decided to show them the bruises she has on her body they were both shocked and sad that a little girl have to go through that so Charlie talk to Sasha and they both decided to let Anne Marie stay and live with them and they will all be one big happy family now and forever and after Anne Marie calm down from crying she felt her forehead feeling hot  and Charlie new she was getting sick again and he didn't like it so he said to her squeaker why don't you come with me to David's room and I'll put you to bed okay Anne Marie just not her head and Charlie just picked her up and carried her up the stairs and into David's bedroom to put her to sleep and Charlie did something he never done before he kissed her on the forehead and say goodnight and Anne Marie say good night Daddy I love you and Charlie was shocked to hear that come out of her mouth but also touch so he said to her I love you too sweetheart and left the room  and Sasha went to pick up David from school and Charlie was sleeping in the living room on the couch he new that David will find out eventually when he gets back from school and tell me all about what happened and about Anne Marie.    

I am very sorry I have to make the story very sad I hope you all like it and please feel free to comment on what else you want me to do in the story I hope you like it so far let me know if I missed up some parts in the story and I'll try my best to fix it I'm not that good of a speller so please bear with me look out for part 4 okay and have a wonderful day

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