Anne Marie's first Christmas with her new family

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It's been a year sense Anne Marie first came to San Francisco California to be with Charlie and his family and life has being great and now it's coming to that time again of the year for Christmas is Right around the corner and everybody was preparing or a silent night celebration everybody was getting their gifts ready to give to one another and Charlie and Sasha got their gifts ready reach other and for David and Anne Marie and when everybody was ready flow and her children where greeting the guests and telling stories and playing games with everyone meanwhile David was getting his gift ready for Anne Marie and he got her a beautiful and gorgeous necklace what's a picture inside of all of them and it was the most beautiful wonderful gift he got her and he really hope she will like it and when everything is ready for the party do y'all went downstairs to have fun with the guess they sing songs and tell stories about their adventures and when it came time for everybody to give their gifts Charlie and Sasha gave each other their gifts and then give their gifts to David and Anne Marie and they loved their gifts from them and they can't wait for next year and when David give his gift to Anne Marie she loved it and she gave him a kiss on the lips and everybody was so happy for them and they can't wait what was the future will has in-store for them and for the rest of the party everybody was having a wonderful time and it was the best Christmas ever and they all can't wait for next year

I hope you all like this story sorry it took so long me and my family are in the process of looking for a new home so please be patient with me and I promise I'll let you all know what's going on okay so have a wonderful holiday okay please pray for me and my family that we find a wonderful home thank you and merry Christmas and happy Hanukkah Kwanzaa and have a wonderful holiday with your loved ones 🙏🕊️💝❤️💖🌹

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