David Comforts Anne Marie from her nightmare part 17

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Warning this is going to be a little violence for some readers so if you do not want to hear this part then skip to the next chapter just want to put this out there you have been warned 😱

It was a wonderful night for Father's Day and then Sasha and Charlie realize that it was getting late and they both excited. That it was time for them all to go too bad because David and Anne Marie have a very special big surprise for them tomorrow. So they all went up stairs to David's room and started getting ready for bed the girls went into the bathroom and Sasha help Anne Marie into her nightgown and brush her hair for tonight and Charlie help David get ready for bed as well they both make sure the kids brush their teeth and say their prayers before bad but before they went to sleep Charlie read them a bedtime story and it was Robin Hood the story that Anne Marie love to read before she went to sleep and when he was done reading them a bedtime story Charlie and Sasha gave them both a goodnight kiss and both of the kids went to sleep and then Sasha and Charlie also went to sleep as well in their own bed.

In the middle of the night around like 12:30 Anne Marie was tossing and turning in her sleep.

Anne Marie s nightmare

Red Belladonna car face and killer where all there holding her and David hostage and that's when Charlie and Sasha came in to save them so all four of them went against Charlie and Sasha and they all started fighting until red knock Charlie and Sasha out cold and pick up their bodies and throw them into the lava and then they picked up David and throw him in as well they all started laughing and Anne Marie started screaming bloody murder she was so heartbroken to watch her friends die right before her eyes and then she woke up with tears in her eyes and that's when David start to wake up and notice his girlfriend was crying

Anne Marie what's wrong why are you crying David said in a soft concerning voice

I I had a nightmare Anne Marie said weeping

Do you want to talk about it David send Softly

Anne Marie told David what happened in her nightmare how red and car face Belladonna and killer killed him and Charlie and Sasha right before her eyes and when she was done she broke down and cried really hard and David put his arms around her small body and pull her into a hug and rock her back and forth and whispered Softly in her ears and said

It's okay Anne Marie it's okay I am here shhh everything's going to be okay I will not let anything happened to you I promise David said with a soft concerning voice

He lifted up her head so she can look into his concerning eyes he wiped away her tears from her eyes and kiss her cheeks and then kiss her on the lips and she kissed him back and then she said David can you please hold me tonight just in case if I have another nightmare Anne Marie said with a soft voice

Of course David said I will always be with you no matter what happens I will never let anybody or anyone hurt you I love you with all my heart now and forever and with that they both went back to sleep with David's arms around her and Anne Marie did not have any more nightmares after that

Feel free to write in the comments and please be patient with me I'm still thinking of new ideas for this story and feel free to let me know what's your ideas for this story and what you want to see in chapter 18 see you all next time thank you for the support ❤️💝💖🌹

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