Car face tells red about Anne Marie Part 5

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Car face was with red in hell and he did not like it because he was getting tormented by the demons in that place and he still remembers the orphan girl name Anne Marie and her ability to talk to animals so car face decides to tell red about Anne Marie and make her bait too get Charlie too rescue her again like old times but one problem they do not know where she is now so red decides to let car face return to Earth to find Anne Marie and kidnap her along with David as well car face new Anne Marie was Charlie's weakness because Charlie always thought of Anne Marie as his own daughter  and kidnapping her will really get Charlie to give up his life for her again and risk everything for his family so car face was off too fine Anne Marie and bring her to red

Meanwhile back at David's house everybody was sleeping even Charlie and Anne Marie and Charlie woke up to check her forehead and her fever has gone down and she woke up

Morning Charlie says Anne Marie

Morning squeaker Charlie says

How are you feeling any better says Charlie

Yes much better says Anne Marie

But she also feels a little sad from yesterday and all of sudden she had tears in her eyes pouring down from her cheek and Charlie look at her with a soft smile and say what's wrong squeaker are you feeling okay Anne Marie couldn't say anything but broke down once again and cry into Charlie arms and Charlie just wrap his arms around her and rock her back and forth to calm her down shhh shhhh  it's okay sweetheart I'm here for you no matter what I know it's hard right now but will be getting through this you'll see Charlie brought his hands under her chin and Live It Up for eye contact and wipe away her tears from her beautiful face and kiss her on the forehead and says why don't we go down stairs and have breakfast with David and Sasha how does that sound sweetie and Anne Marie agreed with the idea so they both went downstairs to have breakfast with Sasha and David luckily David's parents and sister are not home his parents were at work and his little sister was at a friend's house having fun so they all decide to hang out together as a family and have fun together  Sasha said good morning to Charlie and Anne Marie and they said good morning back Charlie gave Sasha a kiss on the lips and David helped Anne Marie into her seat to make sure she's comfortable and at home so David asked Anne Marie What She Likes for breakfast and she says waffles and David makes her some waffles with butter and syrup and serve it to her after breakfast everybody decided to go have fun somewhere and show Anne Marie around town they want to make sure she had the most fun day of her life with them the best day she ever has and nothing can go wrong

I hope you all love this chapter keep an eye out for part 6 and feel free to leave it in the comments what you think of this story am I doing okay sorry about the spelling like I said I'm not good speller or writer so please be patient with me and give me time to get used to it okay I love you all thank you

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