Family meaningPart 11

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David was in big trouble this time he wine The Watch that belong to red little do they know that red was now not going to be in hell he is now going to be set free because of that

So Charlie Sasha David and Anne Marie we're all heading back home and decide to talk about it as a family so Charlie and Sasha talk to alone about it like how to handle this situation

So what are we going to do with David says Sasha

I do not know I never had this problem with squeaker says Charlie

Well most parents ground their kids says Sasha

Well you think that will work I never grounded kid before land alone a human says Charlie

Well it's worth a shot says Sasha

Okay then it settles says Charlie

So Charlie and Sasha went up to David's room and talk to the kids and said to them David what you did was so not funny says Sasha Me and Charlie decided that you are grounded for one week which means you will not leaving this house with the exception of school and you will have no friends over no sweet for the entire week is that understood says Sasha and David was surprised that Charlie and Sasha wood actually ground him for something like that

Well if David's grounded then so am I says Anne Marie

Charlie and Sasha were shocked to hear her say that and they new that she was falling in love with him and deep down Charlie did not like it because that wood mean she is growing up into a beautiful woman but she was always his little girl in his heart so Charlie says to her

Squeaker why would you want to be grounded Charlie says

Because I love him says Anne Marie

Charlie was shock to hear that he never imagine her saying that well if that's the way you want it then fine squeaker you are also grounded for one week because you should know that you're too young to date David right now and I would not allow back talk young lady and if you ever back talk me or Sasha then you'll be even more grounded than ever do you understand young lady Plus don't forget what I did for you I found you with itchy and rescue you from car face and just to let you know I will left you with car face a long time ago if I didn't have a soft heart and I'm only saying this because I raise you and took care of you as my own until the wallet family adopted I just want to let you know I will never forget about you not now not ever do you understand sweetheart says Charlie with the touching and father love like

Yes Anne Marie says feeling really sad now

And Sasha says to Anne Marie look honey he's only saying this because he really loves you and he doesn't want anything to happen to you if something were to happen to you he would be so heartbroken he would not even know what to do if he lost you he loves you so much sweetie like its own little daughter remember he took care of you and look after you before you got adopted did not forget that all right says Sasha with a soft voice

And Anne Marie understood why Charlie worries about her so much and he would be so heartbroken if anything happened to her and with that they all decided to have dinner and to go to bed until morning

I hope you like the story so far I'm not the best but it's coming from the heart and that's all that matters please let me know what you think down in the comment section below don't be shy too to leave a comment down below to let me know what you think and to help me make the story come to life for everyone around the world 💝💖❤️🌹

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