Black Coffee. (Tattoo Artist!Erik AU, Part 2)

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Imagine: It's the continuation of Wilting Flower, but the first date edition! This man would be entirely whipped for you, let's be honest.
Pairing: Tattoo Artist!Erik x Black!Reader
Word Count: Around 3,500. Will come back with specifics!
Warning: Cursing because it's Erik. Nothing else. (For now. >:) ) 

The familiar scent of cinnamon tickles at your nose, beckoning you to buy overpriced bakery goods that could have easily been made at a much lesser price had you offered to cook for your morning date

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The familiar scent of cinnamon tickles at your nose, beckoning you to buy overpriced bakery goods that could have easily been made at a much lesser price had you offered to cook for your morning date. 

You started to regret agreeing to meet with him so early. Rushing around your one bedroom apartment with an eye mask on and haphazardly looking for an outfit to put together, hoping to look somewhat decent even though you hadn't slept a wink last night. 

The outfit you chose was a pair of mustard suspender pants that hugged your curves and shielded your tummy area rather nicely, much to your chagrin. You paired it with a white button-up that could easily be transformed once the front was tied up. It showed off more cleavage than you were used to, but it was a nice sunny day after all. The only plain thing about your entire fit was your choice of shoes--which happened to be white Converse low-tops. 

There was no way (Y/N) would go to work in high heels. It's a Saturday morning and new shipments were expected to arrive at the shop, which meant carrying large crates around. 

Fuck that.

Sparkles highlighted the apples of your cheeks and the clear gloss shined on top of your lips to make them look sinfully juicy. 

Your long twists cascaded down your back in waves due to the rollers left on the ends of your hair last night.

It had to be a mistake, right? Erik couldn't be on his way to meet you.

You pushed your stack of books a bit to the side and rub your hands together, breathing out a shaky breath through your mouth. The flips in your stomach grew more rampant, causing you to fold over in your chair.

Could it have been excitement? 

Or perhaps, utter dread that the finest man you've ever seen in a decade could be mildly interested in you? 

Thankfully, the scent of fresh grounded coffee and potted soil made you feel right at home and quickly eased that sense of doubt that washed over your mind. You were the sole reason for why this place was decked out top to bottom with a valley of green plants. 

The owner invited (Y/N) to bring your date to the shop in the first place too. 

She just so happened to be the owner of Cafe & Cream, and your best friend, Gaia. 

Gaia gave you the chance to showcase your skills when you were fresh out of ideas and unsure of what you wanted to do with your life. You had tried to go to college, figuring out that school truly wasn't for everyone later on. 

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