Luka Couffaine

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"Marinette has a crush on Luka, Marinette has a crush on Luka..."
Alya sang.

"Be quiet, Alya! Somebody could hear you!" Marinette hissed.

"Ooooooooh – so you don't want anyone to hear this either. It's a crush on Luka!"

"Shut up! Or else..."

" Or else what? You'll set Ladybug on me? " Alya teased.

Marinette dearly wished she could. "Or else no cupcakes for you tomorrow."

"Oh no! I'll die without cupcakes! What will I do?" Alya said dramatically.

Marinette stormed off angrily.

"Sorry girl, I didn't mean to anger you." Alya apologised.

"You know I like Adrien! Luka is... just a friend."

"Yeah, but you were staring at Luka just like you stare at Adrien! All dreamy and romantic with a side of hope."

Marinette punched Alya lightly. "I do not stare like that."

"Yes you do, Marinette, yes you do."

Marinette sighed. Alya was super stubborn. She and Alya were sitting on a bench near Mrs. Couffaine's boat after the concert. Adrien had left soon after the concert on his father's demand. Marinette was tired after the akuma attack of Captain Hardrock.

She closed her eyes. An image of Luka came to her mind. Startled, she immediately opened her eyes.

"Marinette, you look like you've seen a ghost!"

"Not a ghost," she mumbled, "Luka."

"Ha! I knew it! You have a crush on Luka!"

"No, it's like I like Luka and Adrien."

"Ooooooooh, juicy! I must put it in my MariBlog!"

"You have a MariBlog! Alya, I'll kill you!" Marinette shouted. She immediately regretted it. Someone could have heard her.

Alya laughed. "Of course I don't,  stupid!"

Marinette breathed a sigh of relief. Almost immediately, she realised someone had heard her. Nino was coming towards them.

She cursed under her breath. Along with Nino, there was a person with a shock of blue hair. Luka.

The two reached the girls. Nino asked, "What are you two gossiping about? I heard Marinette of all people, shout."

"Nothing much." Alya answered, winking at Nino. "Hi, Luka."

"Hello." Luka replied. "Will you mind if we join you?"

"O-of cou-course. I mean n-n-no!" Marinette stuttered.

Alya shot a superior glance at Marinette. Marinette scowled back and then smiled sweetly at Luka.

Nino sat next to Alya and Luka squeezed in next to Marinette. She could feel his muscles. She blushed red.

Alya grinned even harder. They talked for sometime, Marinette and Alya complimenting Luka on his music and Luka telling them about more about his music. Marinette occasionally added a sentence without stuttering with great difficulty.

Luka laughed at Marinette's jokes, making her blush even harder. She loved his lovely laugh. Once Alya whispered, "Looks like the compass is going crazy." And Marinette went red.

Soon it was night and Alya's phone rang. She picked it up, 'accidentally' shoving Marinette into Luka. Both of them blushed and Marinette mumbled a sorry.

Alya was talking into the phone. "Yes, mother. I'll be back right away. Yes, yes of course." Switching it off, she said, "I have to go home. Nino, be a gentleman and drop me home, would you."

"Of course, Alya!" Nino said immediately, smiling. "Luka, drop Marinette home. We don't want anything to happen to her."

Before Marinette could say anything, Luka said, "It'll be my pleasure to drop Marinette home", a slight blush covering his face.

Marinette's face was pure red. It wasn't that she didn't want to go with Luka, she really wanted to go wth him, but she didn't want to embarrass herself.

She stared at the retreating figure on the couple and sighed. Sometimes, Nino could be as exasperating as Alya.

Luka got up and offered her his hand as help to get up. She took it blushing, and said, "Thanks, Luka. You didn't have to do this, you know." Marinette was surprised she hadn't stammered. After talking so much,  she knew she couldn't fail his expectations. He wasn't a supermodel.

"I know, but I wanted to," he said, blushing.

Marinette smiled."Thank you, Luka."

And they walked through the streets of Paris towards Marinette's house, talking unstammeringly.

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