Luka or Adrien

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Luka was pacing about his room in the ship. He pulled out a tiny box from his pocket, opened it and put it back in again. He was in a dilemma. On one hand it was obvious that Marinette liked Adrien, but the fact was that she didn't stutter with him as she did with Adrien. So, she might like him.

He sat down on his bed and picked up his guitar. He started playing the tune of Marinette's heart. He had fallen for her when he had played her heart's tune, but it was clear that part of the tune was Adrien. Marinette Dupain-Cheng. He loved the sound of her name, the tune of her heart and her slight stammer that showed that she was nervous.

He played the tune over and over. He felt himself falling in love all over again. His sister Juleka had always teased him that he had never fallen for anyone. Now she was teasing him with Marinette. Juleka had told him that there was no chance for him with Marinette as she only had eyes for 'love of her life', Adrien. Well, younger sisters would be younger sisters.

He sighed. Marinette's heart-tune was so different and pretty and delicate. He liked Adrien even though he didn't know Adrien that well. Because anyone deserving of Marinette's affection would have to be amazingly awesome. And from what he knew about Adrien, he was exactly that. Luka sighed yet again. He had absolutely no chance with Marinette.

He lay down on his bed, folding his arms under his head and closed his eyes. Images of him and Marinette flowed through his mind. Marinette, sitting on this very bed, listening to his music. Marinette, blushing as he sat next to her on the bench. Marinette, laughing at one of his jokes. Marinette, facing Cat Noir fearlessly. Marinette, talking to him about her designs. Marinette, offering him a cupcake. Marinette, with her perfect imperfections. He opened his eyes, he couldn't, just couldn't live a life without her in it.

His eyes were filled with resolve. He was going to do it. He got up and walked out of the room. It was morning now, he would call her in the afternoon.


Marinette was racing against time to get to school. She checked her watch. Two minutes to go. One minute to go. Aaaannnnd she was in class. She collapsed in her seat.

"Girl! You made it on time!" Alya rejoiced. "I knew setting your watch half-an-hour back would help!"

"You did what?!" Marinette exploded.

"I set all the clocks in your room half-an-hour back yesterday after Miss Bustier got de-akumatized."

"Bu-bu-but Mom said I was g-gett-getting late!"

"Your mom was in on it."

"What?! I bet that this is revenge for teasing you!" Marinette spluttered.

"Yes it is, Marinette, yes it is." Alya said, a wide grin spanning her face.

Marinette glared at Alya. Alya was super exasperating sometimes. She looked around the room. Rose, Nathaniel, Max, Kim, Mylene, and Nino were there. Alya had already gone over to Nino. Marinette sighed. Adrien was not here yet. She decided to go over to Nathaniel. He was working on some sort of drawing. She pulled out her sketchbook and told Tikki to keep quiet.

She went over to Nathaniel. He seemed to be drawing a portrait of someone. Before she could come closer, he noticed her and covered up his work. "It's not finished yet." He muttered, his hair covering his face.

Marinette smiled. She thought that Nathaniel looked cute. She sat down next to him and opened her sketchbook to her last sketch. "It's fine. I actually came here to get your opinion on my sketch. You know, because you're the best artist."

Nathaniel blushed. "Thanks, Marinette. Now let's see your sketch." He looked inside to find a drawing of their class, each one there. It was still in black and white. "Wow, Marinette! This is truly amazing!"

Now it was Marinette who blushed. "I've been working on this for a long time. But I can't get a few faces right." She pointed out the faces.

Nathaniel smiled. "They're easy. Here, let me teach you." He moved to her other side and put a pencil in her hand. He held her hand and showed her the strokes. They both smiled, blushing.

They didn't notice Alya taking a photo. Nino whispered. "Marinette is popular." Alya giggled.


Adrien walked into the classroom and saw Nino and Alya giggling together. He smiled and moved towards the couple. "Hey guys! What are you two giggling about?" Adrien asked.

Alya simply pointed towards the back of the classroom. Adrien's jaw fell open. Nathaniel was almost hugging Marinette while teaching her some drawing. Alya observed him closely. . It was obvious that Adrien liked Marinette. Why didn't he act on it?


Nathaniel had completed teaching her how to draw some of the difficult faces. "Thanks a lot, Nathaniel. You're a life-saver. I couldn't have done it without you."

Nathaniel smiled. "Anytime, Marinette." Marinette smiled back and walked to her place, not noticing Nathaniel's eyes follow her across the room. Adrien did.

She checked her watch. She had corrected it. 5 minutes to class. She sat down in her place, keeping her sketchbook inside. Suddenly she noticed Adrien was standing right in front of her. His face was terrifying. She saw that his gaze was directed at Nathaniel. What had Nathaniel done to deserve the wrath of Adrien? She shook her head. She must be dreaming.

She saw Adrien coming up to her place. She blushed. Adrien smiled. "Hey, Marinette."

She took a deep breath. She would not stammer. "Hi, Adrien."

"What were you doing with Nathaniel?"

Marinette was surprised by the question, why did Adrien care? "Nathaniel? He was just teaching me a few styles. She was even more even more surprised at the relieved expression that Adrien had now.

"He was just teaching you drawing?" Adrien asked, confirming.


"Oh, okay. And Marinette can all of us meet up today evening at 6:00 in the park?" Adrien asked, half-blushing.

"Of co-o-o-o-or-course. I mean, yes." Marinette went red, embarrassed.

"Great. So, Alya, Nino, you and me. Bye, Mari." Adrien said, walking off.

Alya came up to her place. "Ooooooh, it's a double date!" Alya teased.

Marinette blushed even further. All of a sudden, her phone beeped. It was a message. From Luka. She quickly read it.

Luka: Hi, Marinette. Can you meet me in the park at 5:30? It's important.

Marinette: Of course.

Alya read it. "Oooooooooooooooooh, three boys! Marinette, you must be awesome!"

"Shut up, Alya." Marinette said, blushing. Miss Bustier had come in.

Marinette's head was chaotic. She only liked Nathaniel as friend, but on the matter of Adrien and Luka.......... She knew nothing. She loved them both equally. Luka or Adrien...............

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