A New Friendship - And A Jealousy

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Adrien was tired of the piano, but he enjoyed the solace it offered. Now, that his father had gone, he was playing a piece that he wrote.

He expressed all his love and devotion to Ladybug and his happiness at each time he saw her. He was trying to perfect the piece and it was almost done.

He smiled widely as he finished composing it. He recorded it and set it as his ring tone. All his classes had gotten easier since he had started to include his Lady in them. He'd also written an essay in Chinese about Ladybug.

He sighed. He now had to add lyrics to his song. He smiled, knowing it would be easy as he could not stop thinking about his Lady. He would start it tomorrow.

He looked at his watch. It was 9:00. He looked for Plagg in the dustbin. He found the kwami. It seemed that Plagg intended to make it his permanent residence.

"Plagg, Claws Out!" He yelled and transformed into Cat Noir. He wanted to look on Paris from the Eiffel tower to perfect his contentment.

He couldn't lie to himself. He was also hoping to see his Lady. He jumped out of his window, after tucking some pillows underneath the bedsheet to anyone if they came in.

Adrien almost flew across the roofs and almost fell flat on his face when he saw Nino and Alya kissing just outside Alya's house. He smiled widely.

Nino was his best friend and he couldn't wait to tease him about it. He took a photo at ground level, hiding in the shadows. Now, the problem was how to explain to Nino how he had the photo. Never mind, he would think of something.

Now, seeing that as Alya was here, Marinette wouldn't be far off. The best friends were almost inseparable. He wanted to check on her as she might be alone. 

Alya might be able to take care of herself, Marinette would need help if something happened. He didn't want anything to happen to any of his friends. They meant the world to him.

He jumped from roof  to roof till he saw Marinette's hairstyle. Surprisingly, he saw a blue-haired boy holding her hand. He looked familiar but it might be because he could be some low-life trying to mistreat Marinette.

His vision went red. Oh no, no one messes with his friends. He jumped in front of them, ready to tear out the boy's throat when he notice a few things.

1. Marinette was smiling, not scared.
2. They were just talking.
3. The boy was Luka Couiffane, his new friend.
4. He was embarrassing himself.

Before they could notice him he changed his stance, leaning on his staff with both hands folded.


Marinette was actually having fun with Luka! She was surprised. She was so comfortable around him that she didn't even stutter now.

She and Luka were on the topic of superheroes when – well, speak of the devil and the devil arrives.

"He-loo, Princess!" the cat purred. "I hope I'm not interrupting a date, am I?"

"Oh no! We're only talking. I am simply dropping her home so that nothing happens to her!" Luka said, going red.

Marinette could feel Cat Noir's hackles rising, but she couldn't imagine why. He couldn't be jealous, could he?

No, he was in love with Ladybug. She still felt guilty for not recognising the difference between flirtation and love. But she loved Adrien, the boy of her dreams!

She looked into his eyes but they had hardened into armour, so as to not let any feelings show.

"Hi kitty!" She talked for the first time. "What are you doing? There isn't an akuma attack,  is there?" she questioned him.

"Of course not, Purr-incess." Cat Noir replied, still purring. He looked at Luka now. "Take care of her, do you get me? Or else... you don't want to know." He sounded protective, though she didn't know why. He didn't actually care about her, did he?

Of course not. They'd had a few minutes together of the roof, but that was all. She was puzzled.

"Of course I will, I promise." Luka replied, seeming a little shaken at the threat.

Cat Noir nodded and jumped off, no longer in sight.

"What was that all about?" Luka asked, puzzled.

"Probably he was bored and wanted something to do." Marinette said, trying to convince herself. She shrugged it off. She didn't want to ruin her walk with Luka. "Come on, we'll have a cupcake at my parent's bakery."

The bakery was only a few blocks away. They entered and Marinette asked Luka to sit down at the table. She brought a two muffins.

Luka laughed. "To our new friendship!"

Marinette laughed along with him. "To our new friendship!"

They talked for sometime and Luka went home as it was getting late.


Adrien had detransfomed on top of the Eiffel tower. Plagg was eating a piece of Camembert on the other side.

Adrien sighed. His heart was aching, yearning for something.  It felt like someone had stabbed his heart and were now twisting the knife.

The second feeling was jealousy. He had felt it before when other children got to go to school when he was trapped in his house.

And he was pretty sure the first feeling was love.

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