189 4 0


Boys, girls, witches, mortals... all forms and applications of the name Sage are trending upward. The traditional spelling Sage is trending upward, moving up 15 points to #354 for girls, but the notable jump is for the boys, moving 102 spots to #546. Plus, the more modernly spelled Saige jumped 95 spots for girls.

It makes sense that this name is emerging as a go-to, as it fits in with a number of current trends. Sage is an herb, which can be used in both cooking and magic (if that's what you're into). This puts it squarely in the hipster/artisanal name category (Brooklyn is the #34 most popular name right now for a reason), and in the witchcraft world, which is currently all the rage.

There's also some crossover, as some millennials now burn sage as a cleansing ceremony for new homes. The word sage also, of course, means "wise through reflection and experience." This makes it kind of an ironic (but cute) name for a baby, and an apt one if the baby grows up to have some deep perspective.

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