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6. Como:
Como, an Italian place name, stands for a lake. Imagine the calming water soothing you on a sunny evening! And it's distinctive too.

7. Coral:
Coral isn't just a beautiful color name. It's also the word for underwater skeletal deposits that form reefs.

8. Cordelia:
Cordelia, meaning 'daughter of the sea', has style and substance, the perfect combination you might want in a baby girl name.

9. Darya:
If you want a water inspired name, but are looking for something more original than Aqua or Tallulah, Darya should be your pick. Darya is an Iranian baby name, meaning 'sea'.

10. Delta:
The name Delta has a lazy, river like flowing feel, and a southern charm. Delta means 'an area of land in which a river is divided into smaller rivers'.

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