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All you can hear is laughters, teasing and there bottles clink-ing

All of them are almost drunk until they decided to stop and calm there selfs up.

They stoped drinking but stayed talking about random things until the couple became the topic.



"So Kongpop, I remembered that girl earlier how is she!?" - P'Bright asked as I looked at P'Arthir in front of me and the others just laughed.

"I dont know now P'Bright, we dont have contact" I added when suddenly P'Arthit pointed at me

"Just make sure she wont study there!" He said angrily as he stand. They all looked at us as I was in shock he is already tipsy and I dont know what will he do.

"Tss! Want to be your junior!!?" He complained while siting and added "tell her fine arts is not good in our school.

His friends laugh hard as my friends looked at us confusingly.

"Hey! Guys! You know kongpop is talking to his pretty junior a while ago!" P'Bright added as if he was selling something to my friends.

"Ohh N'Kate!? Yeap P'Bright she's kind of pretty" Aim added.

Then they looked at Aim as if wanting some more information when P'Arthit talked again "Pretty? She's not, Just a normal girl a while ago"

They laughed teasing P'Arthit again.

I was looking at him when suddenly Aim beside me hang his arms on my shoulder and added "Ohhh! Dont worry P'Arthit, If your worried Ill guard Kongpop for you!"

"I dont care! Date everyone he likes! Who cares!" He said as I look at him happily

"Dont look at me I dont know you!" He added and gesturing me to leave.

"Ohh Arthit when youre jealous be more caring and sweet so your lover wont look at anyone" P'Toota said expressively.

Then P'Arthit looked at his direction seriously "really?" He added raising his eye brows.

Then he leaned back to his chair and looked at me then he saw Aim still hanging his shoulder at me "oyy! Aim! You let go! That's mine That's mine!" He said pointing at Aims arm

We all laughed as Aim raised his hands as if surrendering then he keeps on saying sorry.

We were laughing as they tease P'Arthit then P'Prem asked "are we gonna drink some more?"

"Sure N'Wad! Ohh I mean Prem" P'Bright answered teasingly then they agreed and ordered some more

"N'Wad how are you by the way?" P'Knott asked as there group stared at P'Prem

"Ohh Im good P'Knott" Wad answered shyly.

When P'Bright stood up and sat beside Wad "So Wad since your good, Is it okay if I introduce you to someone I know" He asked hanging his arms on wad

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