flashback III

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Prem and his cousins team arrived in the venue. They fixed their things and all. Prem was obviously blank and lazy the unusual him, so his cousin noticed

"Eyy! P'Prem? Are you that drunk last night... it seems like you left your soul P" He said teasingly and added "Dont take bad pictures huh!"

"Aww! Sorry Din.. ill be fine later" He answered faking a laugh as he continue fixing his camera while Din stared at him and nodded. He left Prem as he felt really weird in his attitude. Until the event started people are starting to arrive. Prem became so busy taking picture roaming his eyes on around trying to collect a lot of memories until he captured a familiar face

After clicking Prem froze for a while trying to absorb the situation he slowly remove his camera on his face as he press the preview slowly. He saw the picture and tried to focus it carefully.

Wad.... it was really Wad... not just him but with his P'Pat and Mom... he was shocked as he looked around and saw a lot of familiar people.... He was there for a long time but its the first time he will look at the banner to see whos is the celebrant.. he was startled seeing the same last name as Wad.. he looked at the picture and saw Wad's uncle.... Prem knows almost all of his family members since he always stalk Wad on social medias... even though Wad is not updating whenever theres a new tag he will stalk those people...

"What? Whats happening? Is this a set up? Is it a dream?" Questions played in Prem's mind he left his self for seconds when his cousin came and tapped him. He was in shock facing his cousin with a guy

"Oyy, P'Prem! This is Frib my bud in my new school... He's the son of the celebrant" said Din while hanging his arms in the guy

"Hi, P'Prem.... nice meeting you.. thanks for your help" Said the guy wai-ing. Prem lost his words... or his world... he was really in shock... then Frib added "you look familiar P? Have we met before?"

"I.., i... i dont think so?" Prem answered blankly..... but he knew this guy, its definitely Wad's closest cousin. the guy he stalks the most because this guy always have an update with Wad.. the guy who always post a pic of them after a basketball game and also a guy he hates after being private in IG a few months ago that made him not seeing Wad often. After their talks. They left him as he roam his eyes around again.. he was standing near the restroom trying to hide thinking of what to do. He was looking around from time to time. He feels like he saw the idols that he can only see on the internet. He wants to laugh at himself but at the same time he was so scared. He looked for his cousin as he decided to head out but he saw Wads table.

He saw Wad slouching staring at nothing. He stopped and stare at Wad seconds later he started to feel tears formation. He looked aways as he wipes his eyes but he look at Wad again. He was so hurt seeing Wad like that again. His soul wants to come and talk to Wad but he cant move. He was staring at Wad not noticing that tears are coming down. When suddenly he heard his name from his side


"Are you... Prem" a woman asked but it seems like Prem didnt hear it. She looked at where Prem was looking then she smiled a little then she tried to call Prem again

"Eheeeem... Prem?" but she didnt get any response

"Prem? Are you Prem?.... PREM!?" She shouted a little that made Prem look back at her

"Are you Prem?" She asked awkwardly. Prem faced her that made his eyes wide open. He stepped back a little in shock. He was trying to answer but his words cant go out he keeps on moving his mouth but there are no sound coming out

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