Chapter 3: He said what now?!

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It was a weekend so that means I got to talk to Damien all weekend! I'm kinda excited, but embarrassed of how much I am. I wake up and go eat breakfast and then go watch some tv. I was watching one of my favourite shows "Catfish" when my laptop goes off saying I have a message.

I look and see that Damien messaged me. "Hey wat up?" he asked. I typed back: "Nothing much. u?"   Is it just me or is it AWESOME that Damien messaged me first?! That means he was thinking about me, right? He then said "Do you like someone?" I got kinda nervous.

What should I tell him. it would be to awkward if I said it was him. I had to say something though! "Yeah why?" I typed. "Ummm just wondering, cause I know some peeps" he said. OMG!! Some one likes me? How is that possible?! I'm am not pretty at all! "reallyy? who" I typed. He didn't respond quickly like usual so I got kinda nervous. "I like you" is what he finally said. I was speechless. This can't be happening! Never in my whole life has a guy liked me back. But now, umm, now, what do I do? This isn't real, no. "You're kidding right?" I asked. He said "no"

Well this works out perfect since I like him we can be a couple! YAHH dream come true! Should I tell him about me? Just to see if he really wants me, I'll tell him I like someone else.

Just then I get a message from him: "Do you like me?" I typed back "Sry, I like someone else. we can still be friends tho?"

"Yeah" he agreed


Hey peeps that read this (probably nobody) sorry that this chapter is REALLY short . . . I couldn't think of anything yeahhh anyways . . . hope that you liked it tho!! :D

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