Chapter 10: Hey Katrina

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We got to Danielle's house. Her mom was at works so the house was empty. I sat down on the couch still crying. Danielle sat down next to me hugging me.

"You need to stop crying and think of something else."

"Oh yeah like what?" I ask

"Well we can eat like a whole tub of ice cream and watch movies all night like the girls on the movies and books do!" she said with a smile on her face.

"Does that actually work?"

"I don't know. BUT LET'S TRY IT!!" I started cracking up.

"Okay I guess." I said between giggles.

"GREAT! Let's go get the ice cream!" We walked out of the door and drove off to the commisary ((I haven't lived in the states for like 6 years so I have no idea what groccery stores are there??? So I put what I called them))

Danielle got stupid boring chocolate while I got cookie dough.

We got home and picked out the most funny movies we think. We first watch my all time favourtie movie Mean Girls first. I quoted practicly every line in that movie. Esspessially the part with Glen Coco!

Good thing it was a Friday night cause we did not go to sleep till almost 1. You would have thought we drunk cause we looked and acted like we were. I slept over cause I didn't feel like walking home in the dark.


I got home and took a shower. Some how I got Dr. Pepper in my hair so I HAD to clean it out. I didn't feel like going any where today so I just put on whatever. I put on my beloved Panic! At The Disco shirt with my purple jeans.

I walked downstairs to watch some tv. Nothing was really on so I just left it what channel it was on.

My day was going pretty good untill Damien texted me.

"Are you going to talk to me today" he asked

I knew that I had to confront him sooner or later. I guess I should do it now.

"Ok did my slap hurt?"


"Yesterday wen I slapped you!"

"Um . . .?"

"You've got to be kidding me!"

"Here lets just talk it out k?"

"I am not saying anything to you till I meet you in person!"

"Are you sure?"


"Fine where?"

I was kinda shocked that he was so straight forward.

"At the park near the comunity center tommorw"

"K see you then"

I sat there staring at my phone. Did that really just happen? I quickly pinched myself to make sure I wasn't dreaming.

I asked Danielle to come with me cause I don't know if I can do this by myself.

She agreed to come. Thank god. All I have to do is just wait for tommorrow.

This going to take forever.


Danielle came over so she can help me get ready. If this was the really Damien, being a jerk, she aanted me to look nice.

When we were done I texted Damien what time we should meet him. He said in an hour. So at 1:30 I'm going to meet him.

I'm so nervous I'm shaking.

"Don't think about it" Danielle said. We started talking about random things to make the time go by.

I looked at the clock. It was 1:15.

"We should get going" I told Danielle

"Yeah" We walked to her car and drove off. We got there with 5 minutes to spare.

We sat at a picnic table and waited. I messed with my phone trying to keep me busy.

I checked the time. It was 3:40.

"He's probably just running late" Dainelle said.

I texted him just in case.

"Where are you?"

"Hold on"

About 2 minutes later a car drove up. It had to be Damien. There was no one else here.

I stood up behind Danielle. I was holding her arm so tight I'm surprised it didnt fall off.

The car parked. Then the door opened. A guy walked out wearing jeans and a orange shirt. He had glasses on too.

When I finally saw his face, couldn't beleive it.

He walked over to us.

"Hey Katrina" he said

I didn't speak. I couldn't beleive it.


HEY GUYS!!! Hope you liked this chapter!!! I had so much fun writing this! I started getting btterflies (I don't know why tho!)

Who do you think said Hit! WAS IT DAMIN?!?!?!?!!??!?! Read th next chapter to find out. But you have to wait a litte.

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