Chapter 12: My day with Damien

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OMG YOU GUYS!!!! I DIDNT'T MEAN TO UPLOAD THE LAST CHAPTER!!! I HAVE NO IDEA WHY IT DID!! So i'm going to start this chapter off leaving off from the new one! XD


Danielle's POV

"No Danielle! I dont't want to do anything! I just lost my entire life, or can you not see that? Just leave me alone alright! Go away." Katrina yells at me.

I stand there in shock. Out of all the 3 years I've known her, Katrina has never yelled at me. And I've never yelled at her.

"Oh, alright. I'll um call you later on, see how you're doing." I said walking out the door.

Why did she yell at me? I feel so bad now. I want to apologize but I'm afraid she's going to yell at me again.


What did I just do? I think I just lost my one and only friend.

2 Days later

All I've been doing was moping around the house trying somewhat to get over Braden or Ryan? I don't really know.

I was scrolling through all my contacts looking for someone to talk to and I can't find anyone. Then I come across Danielle's name. I hesitate for a moment and debate whether I should text her. I decide to text her and say I'm sorry.

Me: Hey it's me. Wat you doing?

Danielle: Nuthing. U over everything yet. Doubt it

No not really. I just want to get my mind off of everything

U can come over and we can do something

Idk im afraid that youre going to be mad at me

No i wont. I understand u were frustrated and i just tried to help u. But first u needed time to get everything together. I know tat now.

Thank you. And im sorry

No problem. Want me to go over there?

Sure :P

Im going to bring some things over too!!

Ok bring wat ever XD

K be there in 20 min


Soon Danielle got to my house and just walked in.

"Hey! You ready to um, do what we're going to do?" She yelled

"What in the world did you just say?" i asked

"I really don't know." she said sitting down. "So what you want to do?"

"Um I don't know."

"Want to just be lazy?"

I gave her a look saying really?

"Well duh, if couse! I'll get the candy!" I said

"K and I'll get the soda and ice cream." she said following me into the kitchen.

"Yup, we're going to get fat today!" I laughed.

"So let's watch something. What do you feel like watching?" she asked

"Well, what do we have," I say wile flipping through all the movies we own. "Um how bout, A walk to Remember?" I say smiling, knowing it's Danielle's favourtie movie.

"Yess!!" she screamed,

Laughing, I put it in and press play. It started and we just talked the whole time. Technically, we didn't even watch the movie. But when it ended we kept putting in new ones.

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