Chapter 8: Some bad news

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I was sleeping in from Saturday when my phone starts going off. I groan as I wake up seeing who is calling me. It's Danielle.

"What do you need Danielle?!" I ask

"Oh sorry were you sleeping?"

"Noo" I say sarcastically

"Oh good!" I roll my eyes "You HAVE to get to my house NOW!"

"Ugh, why?"

"Because I, um, have some news that you need to know"

"Fine. The things I do for you."

"Thank you see you in a bit!"

I hung up. I checked the time. Oh, opps. It's 9 in the morning. I get my clothes for the shower. I'm about to close the door when Damien texts me.

"Hey are you finally there??"

"hi yeah just woke up"

"wow lazy head"

"yeah yeah"

"what you doing today"

"Danielle insisted i had to go over now"

"Oh well I won't keep you any longer"

"lol k bye"

"love ya"

And with that I got in the shower. When I was done I quickly put mascara on and leave. By the time I got to her house it was almost 11.

"Finally you're here" Danielle said while opening the door.

"Jeez calm down"

She took my arm and ran up the stairs into her room. I saw her mom was home. I was about to say hi but before I knew it I was already in her room.

"Ok why did you need me so urgently?" I asked.

"K so, I know you don't have a facebook," she said while opening facebook on her laptop.

"Yeah? So?"

"Well, the good friend I am, I wanted to make sure that Damien was the right guy for you since you guys seem pretty serious."

She clicked on Damien's profile on facebook. It was the same adorable picture that he had for mylife.

"I was scrolling through his stuff and I came across his relationship status." She said while pointing to it.

He had listed he was in a relationship. With Natasha. The girl he took to the Valentine's Day Dance.

I sat there in shock. I had no words. He was cheating on me. And Natasha being the slut she is, she probably knew about it!

Danielle gave me a minute to take it all in.

"Are you going to be okay with all of this? Cause if you aren't just know I support what ever decision you make."

"Um yeah. I think I'll be okay. I'm just going to need some time to think about this. Thank you for telling me." I say while hugging her

"Hey, no problem. Anything for my BFF!" She said while both giggling.

"I should probably get home and talk to Damien about this."

"Of course. Do you want me to go with you?"

"No you're fine. I'll see you tomorrow at school."

"K bye."

I headed home thinking about what just happened the whole way home. How long has he been seeing her? Was there even any real emotion for me? What have I been doing for the past 4 months then?

I pulled up into my driveway and just let out all my tears before going inside. I finally stoped and went inside.

I sat down on the couch in the living room, holding my teddy bear to my chest staring ar the floor. At least I stopped crying.

Then I got a message from Damien: Hey babe? miss me ;)

I wanted to throw my phone across the room. I wanted to just yell at him. But I knew that I would regret saying something later.

So I angrily stared at my phone, waiting for my phone to turn off.

I needed to stop thinking about all of this. I turn on the tv and start watching what ever channel it was on. An Adventure time marathon was playing. I just watched that till I got hungry. Then for the rest of the day I worked on homework.


Hi everyone!! I hoped you like this chapter! I am so excited to write the next one!

Thank you for reading my story!

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See you in the next chapter


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