Chapter 11: I'm Ryan

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"Hey Katrina"

I was speechless. I can't believe it wasn't Damien. Who is it though?

"I CAN'T BELIEVE YOU DID THIS!" Danielle said starting to attack him. I got a hold of her before she got to him.

"Danielle calm down!" I said

"Yeah calm down" That guy said

"Oh shut up!" Danielle said

"How about you sit down." I say. Then I turn to him. "Who are you?"

"Why I'm Ryan." he said

"Do I know you?" I asked

"Not really. I walk the halls everyday. And you have never noticed me. You just carry on dreaming about that idiot Damien. And well, you see I am your secret admirer."

"You are far from that! You are an psychotic stalker!" Danielle yelled from behind me.

"What? Really?" I asked

"Like I said. You have never noticed me. And I have had the biggest crush on you since about 6th grade. Do you not remember my attempts to make you fall in love with me?"

"You're that Ryan? The creep from all those years?" I realized

"You said you wouldn't do anything though!" Danielle said.

"What is she talking about?" I ask Ryan.

"Well, about a year ago I asked your bestfriend who you liked. She wouldn't tell me. And she knows that I loved you so I said if she doesn't tell then I'll make life for both of you terrible."

"And I told you! So why are you doing this. You said you would leave us alone!" Danielle yelled.

"A stalker's got to do what a stalker's got to do." Ryan replied

"But why?" I ask

"If you wouldn't go out with boring old Ryan, then maybe you would with your beloved Damien. So I made a fake profile."

"But how did you know I was on that site?"

"Like I said I'm a stalker."

"So you pretended to be someone you're not in hope that when you tell me that you were lying that I would still love you?"

Ryan nodded. I walked to him and slapped him.

"YOU SICKO!" I screamed. Tears filled my eyes.

All there was on Ryan's face was a big red mark and a huge smile.

"I know. So on that note, will you go out with me?"

Did he really just try and do that? I kicked him on the shin and yelled no.

I ran off to Danielle's car with tears flowing down my face. All I wanted to do was go home and never come out. What kind of idiot would do that! I hate him.

Wait, he was pretending to be Damien. That means that he really didn't know what I was talking about. Oh crap! I've got to apologize.

But for now all I want to do is sit here.

Danielle's POV (<------ OHH BUT YOU DIDNT NOTICE THAT!!)

"How could you?" I asked

"I already told you! If she's not going to go out with me then why not experiment." Ryan said

"But do you have any idea what pain she is going through right now?"

"Yes. She was rejected, or actually never really known to the one she adored. And that's how I felt since 6th grade. And we're 10th graders. So for the past 4 years I have been nothing to her. Now she gets to know what I went though!"

"But don't you see? Pretending to be someone you're not just completes loses your chance of getting anywhere with her. And doesn't it hurt to see the one you care about dying. Cause if you don't then something is wrong with you."

"I don't care. It actually makes me happy to see her in pain. Plus it's the best revenge right?"

"No, it's not! You don't really care. If you really "loved" her then you would try to do everything in your power to make sure she doesn't ever feel like this. But I can plainly see you don't cause it makes you jump for joy that she's heartbroken. I understand that she doesn't like you. But it is soo stupid to take revenge like this. Just back off and never talk to Katrina or me ever again." And with that I walked off to Katrina. She was still crying her eyes out.

All I did was start the car and drove her home. She just cried the whole time. I knew I couldn't say anything that would make her feel any better. I wanted to cry for her too.

I walked her to her room. She jumped onto her bed and buried herself under her blankets with her face in the pillow.

"Do you want me to get anything for you?" I asked her.

"A boyfriend that is real and loves me." She said through muffled pillows.

"Ha, well we can maybe work on that. So with that lets go to the mall and go boy hunting. We can get our flirt on!"

"No, Danielle. I don't want to go anywhere, or do anything or see anyone"

"Oh come on, who cares about that jerk you can-"

"I SAID NO DANIELLE! I feel like I just got punched in the stomach and just sat there doing nothing about it. I went head over heels for this guy and it turns out it's not even him! So if you haven't gotten the message yet, I don't want to do anything. So just stop trying and leave me ALONE!" Katrina yelled.

I didn't know what to say next. She has never gotten angry at me like this before.

"Oh, ok. Well then I'll get going then. Sorry that I was bugging you. I'll let you cool down for a few days," I got up and started walking out the room. "Please call me if you need anything or when you feel like hanging with people."

She laid there with no response. I walked out of the house and drove home. I started thinking about what just happened. I'm still in shock.

Katrina's POV

 I think I just lost my bestfriend.


Hey everyone! Hope you liked this chapter! I want to say since I just started school that I'll probably only have time to update my stories is the weekend so starting now I'll be doing that! And that's it!

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